Oct '24

New Life in Christ: A Baptism Journey at Jubilee
Oct '24

A few Sundays ago, we had a truly special moment at Jubilee as we witnessed several of our brothers and sisters in Christ take the beautiful step of baptism. It was a day filled with joy, peace, and the overwhelming presence of the Lord. Watching these young people and adults publicly declare their faith in Jesus was a powerful reminder of what it means to follow Him with our whole heart.
Baptism is much more than a simple act. It’s an outward expression of an inward transformation—a declaration that we have died to our old selves and are raised to new life in Christ, just as Romans 6:4 says: “We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.”

As each person stepped into the water, you could see the joy in their faces, the peace in their hearts, and the courage it takes to stand before others and say, “I belong to Jesus.” This is the kind of faith that Jesus calls us to—one that acknowledges Him before others, trusting that He will be with us every step of the way (Matthew 10:32).
I had the opportunity to speak with a few of those who were baptized, and their testimonies were moving. Emmilson, a 7th grader, shared that he chose to be baptized because he truly sees himself as a child of God. “During the baptism,” he said, “I felt joy in my heart because I was accepting the Lord as my Savior. I could feel His presence, and afterward, I felt like a better person and more patient. It was a very beautiful experience.” His words remind us of the peace and renewal that baptism brings, as we take on the identity of being God’s children.

José, a 10th grader, shared how significant this moment was for his relationship with God. “I felt that this was the right step to have communion with Him,” he said. “Now, I feel like a more open person, and I know that God is walking with me.” José’s decision echoes the words of Acts 2:38: “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” His baptism was more than just a ritual—it was a step into deeper fellowship with God, a commitment to walk hand in hand with Him.

One of the most touching testimonies came from Sister Gaby, who helps in our cafeteria. She shared how for a long time, she didn’t feel ready to be baptized. But recently, she felt God calling her to take this step, not just for herself, but for her daughters. “What pushed me to do it now was my daughters, my testimony, and the inheritance I can leave them. I wanted to feel right with God and with myself,” she said. Leading up to the day, she was nervous, but as soon as the moment came, she felt God’s peace. “Afterward, I felt complete, full of peace and joy in my heart—the kind of peace only God can give,” she shared.

These stories of faith are a powerful reminder that baptism is not just about us; it’s about the ongoing relationship we have with God. It’s a public declaration that we are His, and we will continue to trust Him in all that we do. Baptism is also a step of obedience, as Jesus instructed in Matthew 28:19, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” It’s a commitment to walk closely with the Lord, knowing that we are never alone.

As we reflect on these baptisms, let us be reminded that this is just the beginning. Each person who stepped into the water has begun a deeper journey with God, one that will be filled with growth, challenges, and many more moments of His love and grace. We praise God for these precious lives and pray that many more will follow in their footsteps, experiencing the joy and peace that only He can give.