2019 In Review!

We are ever so grateful for what the Lord has done at Jubilee this year. As 2019 draws to a close, we find ourselves pausing and reflecting on the bountiful blessings that He has showered on us. We could not possibly name all of our blessings, but here a few 2019 highlights:
Celebrating our 10 Year Anniversary: This year we celebrated our 10th anniversary both in Honduras, and also at our celebration event in Michigan! The Lord has been faithful to His promise to provide for our every need, and He has done so through a vast community of supporters, our church families, and Jubilee’s staff, students, and boards. Watch our 10 year Anniversary video.
- Preparing for Jubilee’s Middle School: As many of you know this year we have been preparing for Middle School 2020!
- Construction on new classrooms continues since July.
- Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth graders are being enrolled since September
- We continue to be in the process of interviewing and hiring new teachers and staff for new Middle School positions!
- We have raised over half of our $500,000 goal for the Middle School Miracle Campaign. This is an answer to many heartfelt prayers and the result of much preparation as both our facility, faculty, and student body grow!
- Embracing our Theme, “The Joy of the Lord is our Strength:” This year more than any other, we have truly witnessed a spirit of JOY and renewal throughout the school! Students are being raised up to be godly leaders in prayer, worship, and the sharing of God’s word. Both at Jubilee and in the community, their lights are shining forth allowing others to see that God is good and He is real.
Even in the face of deep sorrow, as we lost our dear 5th grader, Alex Flores, four months ago, Alex’s family, students and staff have chosen thankfulness over bitterness. We have reflected on choosing to trust in God when confronted with questions and God’s mysterious ways. We have found joy in Alex’s beautiful life and through this tragedy, the Lord has bound us closer together as one body.
- Sharing the All-school Concert, “Be the Light:” Our music and fine arts program continues to grow in breadth and depth as our students refine their skills in sharing God’s Word through song, dance, and drama on stage. Not only were they able to share with their families, but thanks to coverage by TV stations and newspapers, “Be the Light” was shared throughout all of Honduras!
- Growing in Academic Success: Our teachers have participated in professional development throughout the year, and, as a result, have been implementing new strategies to better instruct their students. Incorporating the use of our growing library and our computer lab into the teaching of various subjects has been vital to the success of our students. Jubilee was pleased to be honored district-wide as winners in the Science Fair on all three participating age levels!
Our 1st grade teacher Mrs. Cerna shares: “One of my greatest achievements this year was helping all of my 1st graders to be able to read! For some of them, it was a huge challenge. But I am thankful to say that they are all readers and their families are very grateful for Jubilee’s work in their lives!”
We sincerely and humbly thank you for your contribution in the Lord’s work at Jubilee. Without you, we could not continue to be ambassadors for Christ in the community of La Era. As we are quickly coming to an end to 2019, if you haven’t already, would you please prayerfully consider making a year-end contribution to Jubilee?