Apr '20

Growing through Adversity
Apr '20

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds…” James 1:2 This was one of our memory verses at school several years ago and the Lord has been challenging us to put it ever more into practice. In the midst of these tumultuous times, we are more focused than ever before on ensuring we are using this season as a means of teaching our students how to lean on and grow in their faith. Each week, students and staff are doing interactive devotions together with their families as they integrate music and art into times of prayer and worship. During one of the first weeks, we focused on gratitude. According to their abilities, students, families, and staff were asked to write or draw what they were thankful for. Our hearts were warmed by the sincerity and simplicity of their answers: food to eat, more time with family, God’s protection, health, a home, and messages from teachers.
Another devotional was entitled “Tested by Fire” and, as we have seen, time and again,
God has used disasters and trials of many kinds to turn his people around and lead them back to Him. Staff and students alike have shared that God is giving birth to new things in their lives through adversity. One student stated, “We are learning to grow and share together as a family as well as in prayer and trust in God.” A staff member explained, “Our false sense of security has suddenly been ripped from underneath of us in order to reveal that it is God alone who is sustaining us.” One of our teachers explained how this time has caused her husband–who previously had no interest in things of the faith–to be interested in reading the Bible and praying together. We hope and we pray that these difficult circumstances will bring God’s people to their knees as they seek salvation and renewal through Him alone!