2022 School Year Ending

After two full years of virtual learning, Jubilee was finally able to reopen its doors to receive our beloved students. The corridors and classrooms of our facilities were once again filled with joy, laughter, shouting and hubbub that had not been there for a long time, only silence.
Our verse for the year was wisely chosen “You are the light of the world” Matthew 5: 16, as God entrusted us with the new challenges that came with the new school year.
At the beginning of the year, we had to learn about hybrid learning. This hybrid system, mandated by the Honduran Secretary of Education, dictated that we were allowed 15 students in one classroom at a time. This meant that half the class was virtual while simultaneously the other half was in-person, switching every other day. A few months later, we were back to regular classes with all our students. Only to be cut to half-days with the resurgence of COVID, then back to normal classes again. Despite the obstacles we have kept our eyes on Jesus, who was present through all the changes and did not fail to show us the way.
We asked a few of our students and teachers to try and summarize their experiences of the past year in a single word. Here are some of their thoughts:
“Learning” Daiana Alessandra Rodríguez, Third Grade
“Excellent” Naim Alessandro Duarte, Sixth Grade
“Opportunity” Ms. Guadalupe Urbina, Second Grade Teacher. The opportunity to start over, where for two years we couldn’t have activities together at school, to exalt God, worship God and talk about Jesus to our children and parents once again.”
We learned a lot about trusting the Lord through two years of the pandemic and virtual learning. Trusting to hold on and not let go.
Gadi Joel Alonzo, Ninth Grader, shares about one of his goals in 2022, “One goal that I set for myself was to speak to my companions about the Lord and preach His word to them. I was able to achieve this goal, thanks to the Lord giving me His courage to do so.”
Also, Sixth Grade teacher Alejandra Rosales shares the goals she had for her students, “My desire was to be able to help my students better understand what was being taught, to help them actively participate in math class, to encourage them to express interest in their math exercises. I also sought to create a safe space in the classroom where they would feel comfortable to share and pray for difficult situations in their lives. I thank the Lord that these goals were all achieved through His help.”
Every year God teaches us that He will renew our strength through His power, that we will run and not get tired, that we will walk and not grow faint. The Lord always teaches us something new.
We also asked out students and teachers what the Lord taught them as we returned to face-to-face classes again after two years in virtual mode. Here are some of their thoughts:
“That I am light for the people around me,” Marian, Fourth Grader
“You have to be a light for others and try to be better every day.” Emily Vallecillo, Eighth Grade
“No matter the circumstances, the Lord Jesus will always keep us.” Anyeri Fabiola Castellano, Seventh Grade
“God taught me to persevere, and not to give up. To pick-up again where we left off two years ago, the love, respect and kindness, the culture that characterizes Jubilee.” Mrs. Karol Soto, Fifth Grade Teacher
We encourage our students to be a light in this world. That their prayer continues to be “I want to be a light, shining the light of Jesus in a dark world.” We asked them to share how they were a light at school and at home:
“At school I was light by not saying bad words or things not pleasing to God. At home praying, going to church and reading His word.” Camila Isabella Hernandez, Fifth Grade
“I was light in my classroom by helping my classmates if they didn’t understand something. At home by helping my grandmother and reading the word of God.” Daiana Alessandra Rodríguez, Third Grade
“I decided to preach about Jesus to my companions that God would touch their lives and He did touch their lives. At home, I chose to remain silent, instead of arguing when I did not agree, trying to build my character.” Gadi Joel Alonzo, Ninth Grade
Teachers and our students have clung to the word of the Lord. We pray about the verse we select for the new school year. Knowing that the students and teachers will learn and meditate upon this verse. That it will continue to inspire and encourage them throughout the school year.