About JubileeWhat We Do



Jubilee is focused on offering children and youth
who live in poverty-stricken
neighborhoods in Honduras the opportunity
to meet Christ and receive a transformative
Christian education while also discipling
the student’s entire family.


We desire to see Honduran children, families,
and communities transformed by the love of Christ,
set free to love God and their neighbors,
and realize their full God-given potential.

In 2024, we currently have:

235 Students in K – 6th.
88 Students in 7th–9th.
52 Students in 10th–11th.
100 Students in our After School Music Program (Jubilee Worship). 
50 Students in our After School Sports Program (Athletes for Christ).
40 Students in our After School Theater Program. 
45 staff members.
A church ministry that operates in the same space,
sharing Christ and discipling student’s entire families.

Why Education?

We realize that education alone is not the only way to foster sustainable change in poor communities, but it is a very important piece of the puzzle.
It is an integral part of holistic development, especially when the education is focused on the poor. The Honduran middle and upper classes (30% of society) have the luxury of choosing from the many different private schools (Christian, bilingual or both) within Honduras, but the highest quality education is not accessible to the poor which comprise the vast majority of the population. Recently, a study reported that the Honduran public education system is 100 years behind the education system of Costa Rica and Panama. How many more years is it behind wealthier and more industrialized regions like Japan, Korea, Western Europe and North America?
JCI believes that if quality education is continuously denied to the poor, the cycles of poverty and the social structures of injustice will only increase at an ever quickening rate.
Brazilian educator Paulo Freire, in his book Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1970), describes education as a practice of liberation for students, particularly the poor and oppressed who are often submerged in a “culture of silence.” Education, as Freire (1970) explains, must teach and allow students to learn to be actors and transformers of their own societies and realities. He believes that for education to truly function properly in a society it must allow the students to reflect, to think critically, and to be able to act upon their own world (Friere, 1970).
Quality education is one of the most important ways to raise the quality of life for the poor and to create avenues that will help people raise themselves out of poverty. Additionally, access to quality education also helps in the development of a greater civil society with active democratic participation.
When a school creates the space for students to think creatively and reflect upon their experiences and their reality, its students, no matter how poor or oppressed they are, will begin to be empowered and to realize that they can make a difference in their own societies and communities. They will become empowered and realize that they can be agents of transformation. In this way, education is a foundational and transformational way for a society to grow and flourish, creating spaces for even the poorest members to participate and act.