Be The Light

In today’s day and age where world news travels at record speeds, it can be easy to get caught up in the dark, the dreary, and the dismal. However, at Jubilee’ school, the focus is on exactly the opposite! All year long, our aim is to share the gospel message and to be a beacon of light shining out in the darkness that is all around us.
For the past several years, our school year has culminated with a musical concert performed by our students that allows them to share with their families and all of the community the light of the gospel message through music, dance, and drama. This year, when the leaders of our performing arts program sat down to discuss the theme, they discussed their shared inspiration on the life of Daniel. Mrs. Soto, Jubilee’s music director, says that Daniel was truly a light bearer in all manners of his life. He was faithful to God, devoted, passionate, disciplined, and courageous. Even when, as a foreigner, he was pressured to do otherwise, he always stayed committed to his personal relationship with God and trusted Him completely—even when he was thrown into a den of lions and a fiery furnace!
Ms. Arévalo, the computer and Bible teacher for Jubilee, shared that it is her desire to see this generation rise up and be a generation of Daniels whose hearts are wholly committed to a real relationship with God and whose lights keep shining even in the most challenging of situations, just as Daniel’s did. “We are excited to help form a generation of pure, powerful, and courageous leaders who confront their enemies fearlessly knowing God is by their sides.”
“Be the Light” will be presented on Monday, October 28th at a historic theatre in downtown Tegucigalpa, and it will involve ALL of the students of Jubilee, including some of our graduates! The program will include music—such as Light Shine Bright by Toby Mac and Oh, Clap Your Hands by Israel Houghton—performed by the Jubilee choir and praise team; interpretative dance; and a dramatic representation of Daniel in the lion’s den. Mr. Romero, co-director of Jubilee, states, “It takes the work of the entire Jubilee community to put this together: the teachers, staff, parents, other family members, and, of course, the students.”
Sadly, one key student will be missing this year. Months ago, Mrs. Soto had asked Alex Flores to be the band leader at the concert. His mother said that he was so excited that it was all he talked about! As we recently shared, Alex went to be with Jesus a couple months ago, but his light still shines brightly through the memories we all have with him. The last song of the evening, “I Can Only Imagine,” sung by the choir and put to movement with our interpretative dance group, will be presented as a tribute to Alex.
As we work this week to put the finishing touches on this praise offering to God, would you please join us in prayer? Please pray with us that God would open hearts and doors and show the light of His presence in the middle of so many needs. Pray that the ministry of Jubilee would transmit hope and be a tool of transformation in the hearts and lives of those in the community around it. Pray with us that we would “Be the Light!”