Oct '23

Bible Month Celebration
Oct '23

In the last week of September, we celebrated Bible month here at Jubilee. We come together for special Biblical performances using creative costumes. We are grateful to God that we can have a Bible in every classroom!!

However, all year long, each classroom and each student regularly reads the Bible, studies it, enjoys it, and learns practical ways to put into practice the truths that they learn.
All the students, Pre-K through 10th grade, participated in a morning celebration. Each class prepared costumes from Biblical times. We enjoyed Biblical characters from Adam
and Eve, to Noah, to Moses reminding us of the importance of following the Ten Commandments!

and Eve, to Noah, to Moses reminding us of the importance of following the Ten Commandments!
They also demonstrated how to wear the full armor of God and how a good soldier of Christ perseveres in the path of the Lord. The students depicted the message of Salvation to encourage all to read and treasure our Bibles.

Oscar Cruz, 6th grader, who wore the Armor of God shared with us: “I liked it because we were able to learn about the armor of God and the evil schemes of the devil. The helmet of salvation was my favorite part since it protects us from bad thoughts. Celebrating Bible Day at school is very informative, fun and encourages us to seek God more.”