Meet our students Sharon (5th) & Aylin (1st)!

Jubilee’s vision from the very beginning has been to see entire families restored and transformed by God’s love. We are witnesses of His faithfulness in this calling and His powerful work in the lives of our students and their families. One of the greatest fruits that we have seen as we work with children, is to empower them as Christian leaders who are willing and ready to share what God is doing in them, with the rest of their families.
Sister Xiomara is a housewife who has dedicated herself to taking care of her home and daughters while her husband works to support the family. Their family lives in the La Era neighborhood, the same community where Jubilee is located. She tells us that “when my oldest daughter, Sharon, reached the age to enter school, I began looking for an educational institution. That is when I noticed an advertisement on the gate at Jubilee. I wanted to enroll her because I realized it was a Christian School.”
From there, Sister Xiomara later decided to go one step further and attend church: “Since my daughter was studying at Jubilee, every time I went to drop her off at school and pick her up, I began to get to know the people, her teachers, and everyone spoke to me about knowing God. Then a neighbor invited me to a small group at her house. There they asked me if I wanted to know and accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior and I said yes!” Likewise, her daughter Sharon began to be impacted through the Word of God and brought the love of Christ home. Sharon shared the Lord with her father Israel, who soon joined the family by attending church and accepting Christ. Sister Xiomara shares that “Little by little, my husband became involved in the ministry because he felt the desire to know God and see why our daughter spoke so much about God and His love.”
Sister Xiomara goes on to share that “like every family, we have gone through some adversity, which we have been able to face with God’s help and the support of Jubilee who the Lord has used to bless our family in many ways. My husband and I were about to get divorced because our marriage was in chaos. Now that we regularly attend Jubilee Church and know the Lord; He has done a great work. The Lord has united us and our family and has given us much peace. Jubilee is a huge blessing in our home, our daughters are full of God’s love, and they love to worship Him. I believe that knowing Jesus and serving Him with your whole family is the greatest privilege we can have.”
Also, the Betancourt-Mejía family is very happy with the high-quality, highly trained teachers at Jubilee who impart practical moral and spiritual values to the students.
Sharon tells us that her favorite class is Bible, English and Music. When she grows up, she would like to be a pediatrician, working with children. It should be noted that Sharon belongs to Jubilee’s Church Youth Praise Team and Band, as a singer. Sharon likes that “they teach me to sing to God with all my heart and because they also teach me about God’s love and His Word at school. I receive a good education.”
On the other hand, Aylin wants to be a teacher, to be able to give the children a good education and teach them about God’s love. Like her sister, she really enjoys English and Music classes.
Sharon and Aylin’s parents have set goals for themselves to continue growing and becoming stronger as a family, guiding their daughters on the right path: “Our goal is to be able to teach our girls to be good people with good values and to grow up knowing and worshiping Jesus. We always want to be there for them and help them fulfill their purpose.”
We know that the Lord will continue to bless and direct this beautiful family, because they have decided to serve God and be an example for their community. “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15