Jun '23

Meet Trumpeter Josadac
Jun '23

In 2018, Josadac Hernández joined the Jubilee family as a kindergarten student. He has always shown himself as a leader in the classroom. He is very intelligent, and talented, and participates in all classroom activities. He stands out for his integrity and thoughtful personality.

His family believes in the Lord Jesus, his grandparents were pastors, and his mother has also been very influential in his walk with the Lord. He is also graduating from his church discipleship leadership program.Josadac is now in the fifth grade and his favorite classes are Math, Bible, and Science. When he grows up, he would love to be a soccer player and an engineer.
He has always been struck by the verse Jeremiah 29:13 “You will seek me and find me because you will seek me with all your heart.” This same verse happens to be our theme verse for the 2023 school year. His parents feel that seeking God is to always be in prayer and faithfully reading your Bible.
Josadac has been a member of the music program since 2022, where he is learning to play the trumpet. He shared with us that being a part of the 2022 recital and the end-of-year concert was one of his best experiences at Jubilee.

“I love the trumpet because it makes such a beautiful melody. You can worship the Lord through music. It makes me think about what it will sound like when Jesus returns, how loud and beautiful the sound will be in heaven.
He continues “Jubilee has been such a blessing in my life, the school and its facilities are so nice and the teachers all love the Lord and teach us how to be true worshipers of God. I also love sharing the Good News with the brothers and sisters who visit Jubilee.”

Ms. Arévalo, Bible teacher shares that, “Josadac is a very intentional student,he is always enthusiastic in Bible class, he memorizes the verses and his notebooks are always very tidy. It is very evident that his family studies the word of God at home. His mother has shared with me that each evening they pray and read the Bible together as a family, and she has faith that each of her children will serve the Lord. As with any young person, there are times when his behavior reflects his age, but he is very easy to love. I dream of seeing him become a professional, and a servant of God who will play the trumpet with great skill.”

Josadac is a child with unwavering faith in the Lord, a true prayer warrior. He constantly prays for his mother and family. Last year, he fervently prayed for a stable job for his mother. Faced with few opportunities in Honduras, she considered emigrating to the United States illegally. However, the Lord heard Josadac’s prayers and provided his mother with a job at Jubilee.
Without a doubt, Josadac is a true worshiper and uses his gifts and talents to exalt the name of Christ. We pray and trust that the Lord will continue to use him in even more powerful ways as he continues to grow and develop into an adult.