Jun '24

Training time with our North American sisters! Reflections and Training Insights
Jun '24

Explore the transformative power of faith and education at Jubilee Centers through reflections on purpose and insights from training opportunities for each teacher.
Welcoming our North American sisters from The potter’s House Schoolin Grand Rapids, Michigan brings us great Joy as we began the training days with a time of worship and devotions.
Reflection on Purpose
At Jubilee Centers, we cherish the joy of being a family united in faith and education. Welcoming our North American family members brings us immense joy as we share special devotionals together on June 17th and 18th. Their insights on their relationship with the Lord inspire us to deepen our own faith journeys. Reflecting on Esther 4:14, we ponder our purpose here: In what ways the Lord is calling us to step out in faith and obey His calling in our time and in this generation, just like Esther did in her time?

Training Opportunities
Every year, we gratefully receive training from our North American partners. This year’s focus on using thinking maps to enhance student performance has been invaluable. In Honduras, there are few opportunities for Teacher Training and Professional Development, which makes these opportunities even more valuable. We are thankful that the National Teacher’s University (UPNFM) provides a quality ecational formation for teachers, but as a country there is not a culture of reading, so these trainings and the resources we have at Jubilee’s library help to fill in the gap and strengthen reading and writing skills for our students and teachers.
We appreciate our North American friends dedicating their time to empower us professionally and strengthen our educational community. Thinking maps are transformative tools that improve how our students absorb and retain knowledge.
Learn more about thinking maps right here:
Impact and Vision
We thank God for these opportunities and for the Jubilee community, where we continue to grow together in faith and knowledge. We fondly remember each plan the Lord has revealed and how we are part of His great purpose. “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” – Philippians 1:6 At Jubilee, we are called to be the light and salt of the world, impacting lives through education and faith. Let us move forward with joy and hope, knowing that we are where God wants us to be, to fulfill His will.

God is impacting lives through education. Join us in our mission to make a difference at Jubilee Centers!