Apr '19

Youth Retreat, La Tigra
Apr '19

During the weekend of April 6th we had the opportunity to take a group of youngsters and some staff to a known natural destination called La Tigra National Park. Our mission was to, not only enjoy this beautiful piece of creation, but to enjoy and grow closer to the Creator. We walked several trails led by a local guide. Along the way we made several stops called “stations” where we worshiped together and shared with the students and staff about 3 main topics, our Identity, hearing God’s voice, and finally experiencing the Father’s heart.
It was a beautiful time, and the higher we walked the closer we felt to God’s presence. During our first station we were led in an interactive activity about the way we see
ourselves, and how we think God sees us. Then we walked a little higher where we stopped to worship God and discover an important way to practice listening for God’s voice. We then continued walking a bit higher and stopped for an activity that help to teach us about who God Himself says that we are. So in order to meet the Father on our last stop we needed to know how to hear His voice and understand what He says about us.

Finally, after our last part of the hike, we stopped to truly meet with the Father and know His fatherly heart for us. Many of the students testified on Sunday at the Jubilee church service that even though they expected just a regular uneventful hike, that the Lord met them in a powerful way. Some even accepted Christ as their savior while others shared what it meant to them to know that they are sons and daughters of God.
Please continue to pray that Jubilee’s young people would fall more in love with the Father and learn to walk with Him daily.