About Us

Jubilee is a Christian school in Col. La Era, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
For at-risk children in an impoverished neighborhood.
In 2024, we currently have:
375 Prek -11th Graders.
45 Staff members.
+180 Students in After School Music, Athletics, Theater, and Dance
A church ministry that operates in the same space, sharing Christ with student’s entire families.
                                                                join us in 2025

Why is Jubilee Important?


God’s Heart for Jubilee

“Years ago the Lord placed a vision and a calling on our hearts to begin Jubilee, but we marvel to know that Jubilee was in God’s heart before the beginning of time. We trust that the hundreds of children and families that have already been shaped and impacted with the power of the gospel and transformative education at Jubilee, this is only the beginning of what God has in store for Jubilee, our students, and families.”
—David & Emily Romero, Founders and Directors

Fulfilling Deep Needs

“Jubilee is fulfilling one of Honduras’ greatest needs—financially accessible, quality schooling with a Christian education, one of the greatest ways to transform, equip, and empower children and youth to be leaders in Christ’s Kingdom.”

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Get to Know Our Stories!
A few Sundays ago, we had a truly special moment at Jubilee as we witnessed several of our brothers and sisters in Christ take the beautiful step of baptism. It was a day filled with joy, peace, and the overwhelming presence of the Lord. Watching these young people and adults publicly declare their faith in Jesus was a powerful reminder of what it means to follow Him with our whole heart. Baptism is much more than a simple act. It’s an outward expression of an inward transformation—a declaration that we have died to our old selves and are raised to new life in Christ, just as Romans 6:4 says: “We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.”   As each person stepped into the water, you could see the joy in their faces, the peace in their hearts, and the courage it takes to stand before others and say, “I belong to Jesus.” This is the kind of faith that Jesus calls us to—one that acknowledges Him before others, trusting that He will be with us every step of the way (Matthew 10:32). I had the opportunity to speak with a few of those who were baptized, and their testimonies were moving. Emmilson, a 7th grader, shared that he chose to be baptized because he truly sees himself as a child of God. “During the baptism,” he said, “I felt joy in my heart because I was accepting the Lord as my Savior. I could feel His presence, and afterward, I felt like a better person and more patient. It was a very beautiful experience.” His words remind us of the peace and renewal that baptism brings, as we take on the identity of being God’s children.     José, a 10th grader, shared how significant this moment was for his relationship with God. “I felt that this was the right step to have communion with Him,” he said. “Now, I feel like a more open person, and I know that God is walking with me.” José’s decision echoes the words of Acts 2:38: “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” His baptism was more than just a ritual—it was a step into deeper fellowship with God, a commitment to walk hand in hand with Him.   One of the most touching testimonies came from Sister Gaby, who helps in our cafeteria. She shared how for a long time, she didn’t feel ready to be baptized. But recently, she felt God calling her to take this step, not just for herself, but for her daughters. “What pushed me to do it now was my daughters, my testimony, and the inheritance I can leave them. I wanted to feel right with God and with myself,” she said. Leading up to the day, she was nervous, but as soon as the moment came, she felt God’s peace. “Afterward, I felt complete, full of peace and joy in my heart—the kind of peace only God can give,” she shared.     These stories of faith are a powerful reminder that baptism is not just about us; it’s about the ongoing relationship we have with God. It’s a public declaration that we are His, and we will continue to trust Him in all that we do. Baptism is also a step of obedience, as Jesus instructed in Matthew 28:19, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” It’s a commitment to walk closely with the Lord, knowing that we are never alone.   As we reflect on these baptisms, let us be reminded that this is just the beginning. Each person who stepped into the water has begun a deeper journey with God, one that will be filled with growth, challenges, and many more moments of His love and grace. We praise God for these precious lives and pray that many more will follow in their footsteps, experiencing the joy and peace that only He can give. [...] Read more...
Today, we celebrated the closing of the “Mes Patrio” here in Honduras, marking 203 years of independence! Hondurans commemorate their independence every year on September 15, and this year was no different—full of joy, history, and tradition. This morning, the students from 11th grade gave us a beautiful reenactment of our country’s journey to freedom. They depicted how José Cecilio del Valle, the brilliant intellectual and patriot, drafted the declaration of independence. It was a powerful reminder of the courage, vision, and wisdom that shaped our nation back in 1821.         The celebration didn’t end with just history lessons. We were treated to vibrant traditional dances like El Barreño, showcasing our rich cultural heritage that has been passed down through generations. The rhythms, colors, and movements filled us with pride. Our talented students from the martial band also delivered a special performance, filling the air with the sounds of national unity and joy. Their music and precision reminded us that our struggle for freedom continues—but now, it’s a spiritual battle.     As the Scriptures remind us:“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world” (Ephesians 6:12). Our battle today is not against foreign nations, but against the forces of sin and darkness that seek to enslave our hearts and minds. We fight every day through prayer, standing on the frontlines to protect not only ourselves but also our children from the grips of sin.   So we ask you, dear brothers and sisters, to continue to lift us up in your prayers. We long for more than just political freedom—we desire the true freedom that only Jesus Christ can offer. As Galatians 5:1 reminds us: “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”   Let’s stay united in this spiritual fight, constantly encouraging and praying for one another. We deeply appreciate your continued support and prayers for our country as we strive not only to celebrate our independence but to walk in the true freedom that comes from the Lord. May Honduras be a nation that honors God and experiences the freedom that Christ gives. [...] Read more...
In Honduras, Teacher’s Day is celebrated on September 17th to honor the dedication and hard work of educators across the country. This date commemorates José Trinidad Reyes, a prominent educator and founder of the first university in Honduras, who greatly valued education as a means of transformation. Teachers in Honduras face numerous challenges, including limited resources, overcrowded classrooms, and sometimes even unsafe working conditions. Despite these hardships, they remain committed to shaping the minds and hearts of future generations.     At Jubilee, however, our teachers have the privilege that many others across the country do not. They work in a healthy, nurturing environment with excellent facilities and full support—emotionally, spiritually, and professionally. This enables them to focus on what they love most: teaching and guiding students, without the common burdens that many other educators face. In honor of Teacher’s Day, we’re thrilled to shine a light on Ms. Kathia, one of our most dedicated teachers at Jubilee. At 43 years old, she’s in her first year with us, teaching kindergarten, and has already made an incredible impact on her students. Her deep love for the Lord and purposeful teaching shines through in everything she does.   One standout example of Ms. Kathia’s creativity is the mini market activity she organized for her students. Through this hands-on experience, the children learned the value of money, its symbols, and how to earn and exchange it. It’s a beautiful way to teach them practical skills while fostering a spirit of curiosity and understanding. When asked about her experience, Ms. Kathia humbly shares:“I feel very grateful to be a teacher. It has taught me so much about service, and it fills me with joy.” Last Friday, we held a small celebration for our teachers, with games and songs. For Ms. Kathia, the event was particularly special.     She expressed:“Jubilee is a very special place where I’ve found people who truly love Christ. Belonging to such a wonderful place makes me feel very grateful and secure.” With warmth and enthusiasm, she reflects on her time with her students:“Having kindergarten this year has been a blessing, and this has been one of the best years of my life—full of laughter, blessings, fun, and even some tears.” Ms. Kathia’s favorite Bible verse is a testament to her faith and dedication to her work:“Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things” (Matthew 25:21).       In celebration of all our amazing teachers, we asked a few others to share their thoughts on what teaching means to them:     At Jubilee, we are incredibly blessed to have teachers like Ms. Kathia and others, who are not only educators but also true examples of Christ’s love in action. Their work impacts the lives of our students, shaping the next generation with faith, love, and wisdom. To all our readers who are also teachers, from the hearts of our children, we wish you a very Happy Teacher’s Day! Your dedication and love are truly appreciated.   [...] Read more...
Last Friday, September 6th, we celebrated Children’s Day with so much joy and gratitude! The day started with some challenges—the power went out, and for a moment, we feared that our plans might fall through. But God, in His mercy, heard our prayers, and the electricity came back! We were so thankful to see our children playing and enjoying the day to the fullest, which filled our hearts with joy.                 A particularly moving moment was when young Edwin stood at the altar and preached. His message touched the hearts of both the adults and the children. Vernice, a fourth grader, was especially inspired, saying, “I liked seeing him preach, and I would like to do it too!” It was a powerful reminder of how God can work through even the youngest among us.           During our devotional time, we experienced the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The children sang, shouted, and jumped with joy during the praise hour, embodying the words of Psalm 127:3: “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.” It was a day overflowing with joy, fun, and spiritual fulfillment.   We organized various games on the court where everyone, young and old, joined in the fun, regardless of their age. There was also a delicious meal that everyone enjoyed together, just as Proverbs 22:6 reminds us: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”   Why Celebrate Children’s Day in Honduras? In Honduras, Children’s Day is officially celebrated on September 10th, a day dedicated to recognizing the importance of children and their rights. Although we chose to celebrate last Friday, we are thrilled to continue the festivities tomorrow, Tuesday, September 10th! A bounce house and a mini soccer game are planned to ensure the children can enjoy this special day as they should.     Matthew 19:14 perfectly captures the spirit of this celebration: “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” We look forward to another day filled with laughter, games, and God’s love! Let’s continue to celebrate and cherish the precious children in our lives, for they are truly a blessing from the Lord!       [...] Read more...
Last week, our school hosted a vibrant and dynamic Spanish Spelling Bee competition that brought together students from various grade levels, showcasing their hard work, preparation, and commitment to learning. The event was filled with enthusiasm as each student took their turn, spelling out challenging words in Spanish, demonstrating their linguistic skills and growing confidence. It was a wonderful opportunity for the students to engage in friendly competition, supporting each other while celebrating the beauty of the Spanish language.       The event started with an internal competition among the primary grades, where each student demonstrated their dedication, knowledge, and enthuasiasm for the Spanish language. The winners of this internal round then advanced to an interschool competition, which took place right here at Jubilee.     The interschool competition included participants from various grades and schools, showcasing their spelling skills across different levels. Each child faced off against peers of the same grade level, competing to see who could best master the challenge of spelling in Spanish. The energy was electric as each round progressed, and it was wonderful to see our students rise to the occasion, spelling even the most difficult words with confidence and precision.       Not only did this event provide a platform for our students to display their hard-earned skills, but it also offered numerous educational benefits. Spelling Bees help improve memory, enhance vocabulary, and boost reading comprehension. They also encourage children to develop discipline and perseverance, key skills that will serve them well in their academic journeys and beyond.       Our students showed great enthusiasm and teamwork throughout the event, and we couldn’t be prouder of their achievements. The interschool competition held at Jubilee was a wonderful opportunity for the children to learn and we are excited to announce the triumph of our children, second and third place in all categories:     Our child surprised us with their perfomance!   Maryorie Baca (Left) won 3rd place! Natalie Amador (middle) won 2nd place! Jesus Baca (Right) won 3rd place!           Congratulations to all participants and winners who made this Spelling Bee an unforgettable experience! We are incredibly proud of our students and grateful to our dedicated teachers for making this event such a success.   [...] Read more...
In the lively world of education at Jubilee, one teacher stands out for her youth, energy, and the deep impact she has made on her students. Ms. Keyla, just 26 years old, joined us in 2023 and she is now the fourth-grade teacher. Her experience has been transformative for both her and her students.         “I feel excellent at Jubilee,” Ms. Keyla says with a smile that shows her enthusiasm. “This place has been a deep meeting point with the Lord. Although I already knew Him and had a good relationship with Him, being here has allowed me to know Him more intimately.”   For Ms. Keyla, one of the most striking aspects of her work is seeing how God’s word has started to make a difference in her students’ lives. She shares, “It’s amazing how the Lord has worked in my students’ lives. I’ve seen significant changes, especially in two of them who were very disobedient at first.”     The transformation she has seen is remarkable. With love, discipline, and prayer, Ms. Keyla has witnessed a substantial change in these children. “One of them, who used to be a problem, now advises his classmates not to run in the stairs to avoid accidents. This is incredible, considering that this same child once pushed another down the stairs.”     Ms. Keyla also firmly believes in the positive influence of devotional time on the children. Unlike her experience in other places, where punishment often leads to anger and worse behavior, at Jubilee, the children respond with humility. “After receiving a punishment, my students not only apologize with letters but also include Bible verses. It’s a clear sign of the Lord’s humility in their lives.”     On a personal level, moving from her small town to the city was not easy for Ms. Keyla. She recalls how challenging it was to adapt to the new environment but is grateful for the support she received. “The support from the director and pastors, guided by the Holy Spirit, was crucial in overcoming this challenge. My faith is always in the Lord, and I am excited to know that He takes care of us even in the smallest things.” In summary, Ms. Keyla’s story is a testament to how faith and commitment can greatly impact education and a community. Her dedication and love for her students, along with her deep relationship with the Lord, make her an inspiring figure at Jubilee.   [...] Read more...
  The Talent Night at Jubilee was truly a special and heartwarming event. From the moment the children stepped onto the stage, there was a palpable sense of joy and worship in the air. Seeing each of them use their gifts and talents to praise the Lord was a beautiful reminder of the grace with which God equips us. The talents we possess are not just for our personal benefit, but they are divine tools meant to glorify our Creator.     During this night, the children showcased their abilities in various ways: they sang, played instruments, and some shared dance. It was clear that they weren’t just demonstrating what they had learned but were doing so with hearts full of love for God. The excitement and joy on their faces as they worshiped the Lord were contagious, inspiring everyone present.     The Importance of Nurturing God-Given Talents God has given each of us unique gifts and talents. In 1 Peter 4:10, the Bible reminds us, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” These talents are not just for personal gain; they are meant to be invested in the Kingdom of God. When children discover and develop their talents, they not only grow personally but also contribute to their communities and the greater mission of spreading God’s love. The Talent Night at Jubilee was a testament to the power of nurturing these gifts from a young age. As students performed, it was clear that they were not just showcasing their abilities—they were offering their talents back to the One who gave them. This is a crucial lesson for all of us: when we dedicate our skills and abilities to God, they can be used to touch hearts, inspire others, and bring glory to His name.     Encouraging Growth and Investment It is essential for us to encourage our children to develop their talents, not just for their benefit but for the impact they can have on the world. Proverbs 22:6 tells us, “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” By guiding them to invest their gifts in the service of the Lord.     In conclusion, Jubilee’s Talent Night was more than just an event—it was a beautiful display of what happens when children use their God-given talents for His glory. Let’s continue to support and encourage our young ones to develop and invest their gifts in the Lord, knowing that their talents, when used for His purposes, can truly make a difference.   [...] Read more...
Diego Medina is an 11-year-old boy in the fourth grade, and this is his first year at Jubilee, along with his younger brother. From the very first day, Diego has shown that he is an outgoing and well-behaved child, quickly earning the affection of his classmates and teachers. He is very grateful with his teacher, Ms. Keyla, whom he describes as “very caring and responsible.” Diego says, “Ms. Keyla teaches us well and doesn’t let the kids misbehave or say bad words.” It’s clear that Diego feels safe and valued in his class.   Diego is also very close to his family. He lives with his parents and siblings, and his grandmother and uncles live nearby, so he enjoys being surrounded by family. He is the second of four siblings, and even though two of them are his half-brothers, they have a close relationship. He shares a grade with his younger brother, which strengthens their bond. Diego also loves the pasta that his grandmother makes—it’s his favorite meal.     Diego’s story is a true testimony of faith and miracles. When he was just two years old, he had an accident that could have been fatal. While he was with his mother on the second floor of a building, he got too close to the railing, and because the bars were spaced too far apart, he fell through them. The fall caused a serious injury to the center of his head, fracturing his skull and requiring more than 20 stitches. But God’s care was evident, as Diego survived this accident, becoming a living miracle.     As Isaiah 41:10 says, “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” This verse reflects the divine protection that Diego experienced in that critical moment.   Although his family doesn’t own a Bible, and his parents don’t attend church, Diego is a child of faith, much like his favorite Bible character, Noah. He accepted the Lord during Jubilee’s devotionals, and since then, he has become a little preacher, sharing God’s word with his family. His favorite verse is Psalm 126:3: “The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.” This verse perfectly captures the gratitude and joy Diego feels for the blessings in his life and how he has seen God’s hand at work in him. Besides his love for faith, Diego enjoys academic challenges, with math being his favorite subject because he likes the challenges it offers. He has also started learning to play the flute in the school’s music program, showing his interest in exploring new skills and talents. As Proverbs 22:6 says, “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Even though Diego didn’t grow up in a Christian home, the teachings he’s received at Jubilee have guided him towards a life of faith and preaching.     Diego Medina is a living example of how faith can transform lives, even at a young age. His love for God, his family, and his school makes him a special child and an inspiration to everyone who knows him.       [...] Read more...
“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.” – John 15:16 (NIV) This verse deeply moves us, reminding us that it was not we who chose the Lord, but He who chose us. Our lives and our legacy are important to Him. During the devotionals at Jubilee, we have observed how the Lord chooses certain children and reveals His powerful presence to them. When I read this verse, I thought a lot about that phrase. The Lord chose this community in Honduras; He chose each child in Jubilee to bless them with the opportunity to draw near to His presence. Since Jubilee began, devotionals have been part of our nature. Ms. Claudia Velázquez reminds us, “When we were just a small kindergarten, the Pastor would teach Bible class to the little ones.” It is very powerful to see how the Lord has moved in Jubilee from the beginning.   The Importance of Devotionals Teaching the scriptures of Jehovah is not just a liturgical practice at Jubilee. During each devotional, we aim to lead the children and youth to a genuine encounter with the Lord, one that reaches deep into their hearts and becomes a fruit that remains in them. This helps them mature in their relationship with the Lord, impacting their families, neighbors, and all the members of their community.     “When I go to the devotional, I feel very happy and I feel a strong hug from the Lord. I can hear His voice, and can I tell you a secret? I have also had visions of Him! I love hearing stories like Sarah’s, who had no children and God gave her one when she was 90 years old. My grandma also prayed to God a lot, and when she was 40, she finally had my mom. That’s why I love that story.” – Emma, First Grade             “For me, worship is the best because He manifests in my heart and I feel that there is a great treasure, which is health, that allows us to get up and worship Him with more strength. I love hearing about when the Lord created everything; He made me to serve Him, and I love to sing and dance for Him.” – Hanny, Fifth Grade             “What I like the most is having communion with the Lord. I have realized that it is more than just clapping; it is about having a relationship with Him. During the devotional, I love to see how God’s people worship their King. I am very moved by Paul’s teachings, but I especially love hearing his testimony—how he was before and how he changed after getting to know the Lord deeply.” – Nazareth, Ninth Grade         “For me, worship is something very special. I have had so many occasions where the Lord has manifested, and I cannot deny that He is real! It makes me so happy to spend time with Him and fulfill His purposes in my life. I have had the opportunity to evangelize, and it is a great joy for me. That’s why the part where Jonah goes to Nineveh and speaks to them about Jehovah touches me a lot because even though he didn’t want to, that was his purpose.” – Luis, Tenth Grade     The devotional time not only fills the students with the word but also fills the teachers and staff. Every Wednesday, after the school day ends, the Jubilee team holds a devotional. This time is like a refreshing drink amidst the busyness of the workweek. WE ARE ONE BODY The Jubilee team, with the support of the pastor, brings the message that the Lord places in their hearts to each child, serving as a “read letter” for the younger ones in the faith. They are not just teachers but brothers and sisters whom the children can rely on in times of difficulty. As it says in Romans 12:4-5: “For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.”     Each one is a member of the body of Christ who desires to serve the Father and fulfill the purpose He has given us. Because we did not choose Him, He chose us. And we want to bear a Fruit that Will last.     [...] Read more...
Our recent cultural fair at Jubilee celebrated the diversity and richness of Francisco Morazán’s municipalities. It’s a department brimming with history, culture, and natural beauty. Located in the central part of the country, Francisco Morazán is more than just its capital, Tegucigalpa, which is also the national capital. This department offers a unique blend of tradition and modernity, with stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and a vibrant urban life. From its mountainous peaks to fertile valleys, Francisco Morazán is a melting pot of cultures and stories. The region’s economy thrives not only due to its bustling capital but also through diverse agriculture and dynamic commercial and industrial sectors.We explored each area to share its unique culture, delicious food, and special traditions. Here’s a tour of these fascinating municipalities!   1. Curarem Curarem is a charming and traditional municipality. With its welcoming atmosphere, it offers a rich gastronomy including totopostes (corn crunchy bread) and tamalitos (little sweet corn empanadas). Colorful festivals and the hospitality of its people make Curarem an ideal place to experience authentic Honduran culture.   2. San Isidro In San Isidro, you can enjoy local dishes such as ripe plantains and flor de izote with eggs (you can see a picture of flor de izote below). This municipality is known for its natural beauty and commitment to preserving traditions, offering a unique cultural experience in a relaxing setting.   3. El Porvenir El Porvenir stands out with its rich cultural heritage. Sample bean tamalitos ( little corn empanadas with beans and cover with plantains leafs) and corn bread while enjoying vibrant festivals and the warmth of its people. It’s a charming place to immerse yourself in local traditions.   4. Tatumbla Tatumbla offers a rich cultural experience with its typical dishes like tamales and baleadas. Known for its warmth and colorful cultural events, this municipality is where tradition and modernity harmoniously intersect.   5. Cantarranas In Cantarranas, gastronomy is a celebration. Don’t miss the Indian hen soup with corn rice, a traditional dish that captures the essence of local cuisine. The festive atmosphere and vibrant community life make Cantarranas a must-visit for culture enthusiasts.     6. Valle de Ángeles Valle de Ángeles is known for its picturesque setting and crafts. Famous for its pottery workshops, where beautiful handmade items are created, this municipality offers a unique experience. Enjoy pupusas (thick tortillas with cheese), beef with rice, a traditional salad (chismol) beans and homemade tortillas while exploring this charming place full of tradition.   7. Ojojona Ojojona is the ideal destination for craft lovers. Its tradition in creating pottery is highlighted through local workshops. The vibrant culture and artisan skill make Ojojona a fascinating place to discover.   Experience Honduran Culture! From the vibrant urban life of Tegucigalpa to the warmth and authenticity of its towns, Francisco Morazán offers a rich and varied cultural experience. If God is calling you, consider visiting Honduras on a mission trip with us at Jubilee. Spend a week filled with love, worship, and cultural experiences. Don’t miss the chance to explore and enjoy the diversity that makes Honduras a truly special country!   Learn more about our mission trips. [...] Read more...
This year’s music recital at Jubilee was full of powerful and awe-inspiring. The event showcased our students’ incredible talents, drawing us closer to the Lord through their heartfelt performances. It was a day filled with joy, praise, and worship, as each note played and sung lifted our spirits and glorified God.           A special highlight of this year’s recital was the introduction of new instruments into our program. Though new to our curriculum, the violin, saxophone, and flute players delivered performances that were truly worthy of their skill level. Their contributions added a beautiful, rich texture to the recital, demonstrating their dedication and the wonderful guidance of their instructors.    Katie Dejong, in her first time experimenting the recital live, she said: “The Jubilee Recital was a wonderfull evening of worship to God. The students sang, danced, and played a variety of instruments, parents and neighbors joyfully clapped and sang along with the choirs. Our Mission team was moved by the students’ adoration and sincere paise to our Savior! It’s certanly an evening of great joy in the Lord!”    Violin: Our young violinists played with grace and precision, their pieces of art. Saxophone: The saxophonists filled the room with smooth, resonant tones, showcasing their mastery of this complex instrument. Flute: The flutists enchanted us with their clear, bright notes, a testament to their hard work and practice.   Every presentation, brought us closer to the Lord. The music was more than just a display of talent; it was an offering of worship, a way to express our love and devotion to God. The children’s joy was palpable, and seeing them so happy and engaged filled our hearts with gladness.     In the words of Psalm 150:4, “Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe!” We witnessed this scripture come to life as our students played their instruments with fervor and joy, each performance a testament to their growth and dedication.   We know we are living in the last days, and we feel very excited to praise the Lord amidst all the events happening in the world. The Lord has called us with a vision, and we are worshiping Him in the midst of the storms. Just as God once told Jehoshaphat to put his worshippers in front of the army, singing and praising God, and He would give them victory, we also stand firm and worship in spirit and in truth. 2 Chronicles 20: 21-22 “Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the Lord and to praise him for the splendor of his holiness as they went out at the head of the army, saying: “Give thanks to the Lord,for his love endures forever.” 22As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated.”     We are incredibly proud of our students and grateful for the opportunity to celebrate their achievements. This recital reminded us of the powerful role music plays in our faith, bringing us closer to each other and to our Creator. Let us continue to support and encourage our young musicians as they use their gifts to glorify God, knowing that through their music, they are making a profound impact on our hearts and souls.   [...] Read more...
We are thrilled to celebrate the anniversary of our founders and pastors of the Jubilee Church. Their love and dedication, inspired by the Lord, have been the cornerstone of this beautiful ministry we cherish today. “The love that springs from two people can impact hundreds of lives and, in turn, the entire world.”               In 2009, our founders arrived in Honduras, married and with a mission from the Holy Spirit to transform the community of La Era. They met again Ms. Claudia, now our first-grade teacher, leading a struggling kindergarten named Mi Viña. Guided by the Lord, they saw this as the land to plant a garden of spiritual fruits and love.     By 2010, the first grade was established, marking the beginning of what we now know as Jubilee. Ms. Claudia recalls, “From the start, I saw Christ’s love in them and how the Lord has graciously moved since then.” Pastor David often said, “When we are many,” a testament to his faith that now flourishes in a dedicated staff serving the Lord passionately.     Ms. Keyla shares, “I see Pastor David and Mrs. Emily as marriage role models, showing how center the Lord first sets an example for us single women to entrust our lives and future marriages to God’s will.”   Love is one of the things that most characterizes our Lord. “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” – 1 Peter 4:8. We can see how the pastoral family has devoted themselves to the families of the children and the teachers with tireless love.    As Principal Yeni notes, “We see the fruits of the Spirit in them—wisdom in Mrs. Emily, patience in Pastor David, and their hallmark mercy. It brings me joy to learn from them.”   We congratulate and thank the Lord for allowing us to witness His work through a couple that has grown into a ministry impacting countless lives.     [...] Read more...
We just celebrated an incredible Recycle Fair with a spectacular runway show! All the older grades participated enthusiastically, transforming what some consider trash into impressive works of art and practical tools.            The event emphasized the importance of recycling and sustainability, encouraging students to think creatively about how to repurpose everyday items. Each grade presented their unique creations, showcasing their hard work and innovative ideas. The highlight of the day was the fashion show, where students walked the runway in outfits made entirely from recycled materials.   In Honduras, we face unprecedented problems with waste pollution and pollution waves, which seriously affect the country. That’s why it is considered important to reduce waste in Honduras. According to data from official UN sources: “The inadequate solid waste management prevailing in most municipalities causes serious contamination to the environment with direct consequences for human and environmental health. The largest cities such as Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula, Choloma, La Ceiba, Choluteca, and El Progreso generate 54% of the total volume of municipal solid waste in the country. Only 20% (60) of the 298 municipalities in the country have a waste collection service.”       This situation drives us to reduce waste and adopt recycling methods that can improve public health. For Hondurans, recycling is not only important for its long-term impact but also crucial for immediate conditions. Poor solid waste management is one of the major causes of flooding in our cities during the rainy season (June-November). Recycling is the easiest way to address this recurring problem individually.     The 7th – 9th grade students particularly stood out with their recycled fashion pieces. Their dresses, made from various materials like plastic bags, newspapers, and old fabric, left everyone in awe with their ingenuity and originality. The level of detail and creativity in their designs was truly impressive, proving that fashion and sustainability can go hand in hand.     Ms. Brenda Almendares, our dedicated Skills Class teacher, shared her insights on the importance of recycling: “Those things we consider waste could have a second life and be used well to reduce pollution and give them a new use in different ways.” Her words resonated with everyone, highlighting the potential of recycled materials and the importance of environmental consciousness.     This recycling fair was not only a showcase of creativity but also a valuable learning experience for everyone involved. It taught students that with a bit of imagination, everything can have a new purpose and contribute to a more sustainable world. Thank you to all the participants, our amazing Jubilee Family  for making this recycling fair a resounding success! We look forward to more events like this in the future, where we can continue to promote creativity, sustainability, and environment   [...] Read more...
Did you know that Honduras is a country with an incredibly diverse cultural heritage? In honor of the beginning of Indigenous Peoples’ Month, we’re taking you on a fascinating journey through the ethnic groups of Honduras. Get ready to learn about their colorful costumes, delicious foods, and unique traditions that preschool children have been enthusiastically celebrating.     The Ethnic Groups of Honduras: A Cultural Treasure Honduras is home to nine ethnic groups, each with its own history, customs, and way of life. Here are some of the main ones: 1. The GarífunasOriginating from the Atlantic coast, the Garífunas are known for their vibrant music and dances, such as Punta. They are Afro-Caribbean  heritage and their typical attire includes colorful skirts and embroidered shirts. In Garífuna cuisine, there are many delicious dishes, with the most famous being “sopa de caracol”.     2. The MiskitosLocated in the region of La Mosquitia, the Miskitos have a very close relationship with nature. Their traditional costumes are made from natural fibers, and their cuisine includes dishes like Kasabe, a type of yuca tortilla commonly eaten with a stew of meat and plantain.     3. The LencasThe Lencas, the largest indigenous group in Honduras, are found in the mountains of the western part of the country. Their clothing is colorful and adorned with geometric patterns. Among their typical dishes are montucas, which are sweet corn dough wrapped in leaves and filled with chicken or pork.     4. The TolupanesLiving in the mountains of central Honduras, the Tolupanes keep their ancestral traditions alive. Their attire includes long, colorful tunics, and their diet is based on corn, beans and rice.     5. The Mayas The Mayas are renowned for their advanced ancient civilization, known for impressive ruins like Copán, their sophisticated understanding of astronomy, and significant contributions to mathematics. But the Mayan culture is not just a relic of the past; it is a living, vibrant tradition carried on by their descendants. Today, the Mayas continue to honor their rich heritage through traditional practices, languages, and crafts. They preserve their ancestral knowledge and celebrate their identity with colorful festivals, intricate weaving, and traditional ceremonies.     Throughout the month, preschool children have been showing their classmates what the ethnic groups of Honduras are like. They have shared delicious traditional foods such as baleadas (thick tortillas filled with beans and cheese), tamalitos (small corn cakes), pineapple drinks, coconut candies, fried fish, and plantains. With their traditional costumes and tasty dishes, they have transformed the classroom into a cultural feast.   Honduras is a country full of diversity and cultural richness. By celebrating Honduras’ Indigenous Peoples’ Month, we not only honor these ethnic groups but also learn to appreciate the variety and beauty of our roots. We hope this journey has inspired you to learn more about Honduras and to pray for the global church that His Kingdom would grow in every tribe, language, ethnic group across Honduras and the world. [...] Read more...
At Jubilee, we believe that learning should be fun, interactive, and memorable. This week, our 6th graders had a blast during a unique and exciting activity that combined creativity, laughter, and a touch of mystery – the Paper Pizza Puzzle Day!             A Slice of Creativity But these weren’t just any pizzas; these were special slices with a twist. Each student designed their pizza with colorful toppings and imaginative flair. Once their masterpieces were complete, they flipped their pizzas over to reveal the next part of the activity: writing riddles!       Honduran Riddles for Extra Flavor Our students penned down some classic Honduran riddles, adding a cultural touch to their creative work. Here’s a mix of some riddles we have in Honduras and their counterparts (not direct translations) in English. Blanca por dentro, verde por fuera. Si quieres que te lo diga, espera. ¿Qué es?    – (Answer: La pera) I am a fruit that’s green on the outside and white inside. What am I?    – (Answer: Pear) ¿Qué cosa es, que mientras más le quitas más grande es?    – (Answer: El hoyo) The more you take, the more you leave behind. What is it?    – (Answer: Footsteps) Tiene dientes y no come, tiene cabeza y no es hombre. ¿Qué es?    – (Answer: El ajo) What has a head, a tail, but no body?    – (Answer: A coin)  Adivina adivinador: ¿Quién lleva en la cabeza un sombrero sin ser hombre ni mujer?    – (Answer: El hongo) I have a neck but no head, two arms but no hands. What am I?    – (Answer: A shirt) These riddles, steeped in Honduran culture, sparked curiosity and joy as students exchanged their pizzas and tried to solve each other’s puzzles. Learn more about spanish facts:    The Joy of Interactive Learning Activities like the Paper Pizza Puzzle Day are a testament to the power of interactive and enjoyable learning experiences. Our students thrive in environments where they can express themselves creatively, engage with their peers, and connect with their cultural heritage. Seeing their smiles and hearing their laughter reminds us why we do what we do.   At Jubilee, we’re committed to making education a joyful journey. We’re proud of our 6th graders and 6th grade teacher, Mrs. Karol, for their creativity and enthusiasm, and we can’t wait to see what other innovative and fun learning activities we’ll cook up next!     [...] Read more...
Explore the transformative power of faith and education at Jubilee Centers through reflections on purpose and insights from training opportunities for each teacher. Welcoming our North American sisters from The potter’s House Schoolin Grand Rapids, Michigan brings us great Joy as we began the training days with a time of worship and devotions.   Reflection on Purpose At Jubilee Centers, we cherish the joy of being a family united in faith and education. Welcoming our North American family members brings us immense joy as we share special devotionals together on June 17th and 18th. Their insights on their relationship with the Lord inspire us to deepen our own faith journeys. Reflecting on Esther 4:14, we ponder our purpose here: In what ways the Lord is calling us to step out in faith and obey His calling in our time and in this generation, just like Esther did in her time?   Training Opportunities Every year, we gratefully receive training from our North American partners. This year’s focus on using thinking maps to enhance student performance has been invaluable. In Honduras, there are few opportunities for Teacher Training and Professional Development, which makes these opportunities even more valuable. We are thankful that the National Teacher’s University  (UPNFM) provides a quality ecational formation for teachers, but as a country there is not a culture of reading, so these trainings and the resources we have at Jubilee’s library help to fill in the gap and strengthen reading and writing skills for our students and teachers.  We appreciate our North American friends dedicating their time to empower us professionally and strengthen our educational community. Thinking maps are transformative tools that improve how our students absorb and retain knowledge. Learn more about thinking maps right here:   Impact and Vision We thank God for these opportunities and for the Jubilee community, where we continue to grow together in faith and knowledge. We fondly remember each plan the Lord has revealed and how we are part of His great purpose. “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” – Philippians 1:6 At Jubilee, we are called to be the light and salt of the world, impacting lives through education and faith. Let us move forward with joy and hope, knowing that we are where God wants us to be, to fulfill His will.     God is  impacting lives through education. Join us in our mission to make a difference at Jubilee Centers!       [...] Read more...
The students at Jubilee are facing a new phase in their education: Midterm exams. This situation generates some concern among the students and their families. However, it is important to understand how these exams are conducted in Honduras to face this stage with greater peace of mind.         In Honduras, primary education comprises grades one through six and is mandatory. Midterm exams are an essential tool for evaluating the academic progress of students and ensuring they are acquiring the necessary knowledge.   The school year in Honduras is divided into trimesters or “parciales.” At the end of each of these periods, midterm evaluations are conducted. These evaluations typically account for a quarter of the final grade. Written exams usually focus on memorization of facts and specific knowledge, such as dates, historical events, grammatical rules, and mathematical operations                       The questions in the written exams are primarily multiple-choice, true/false, and short-answer formats. This type of question aims to have students demonstrate their knowledge in a precise and direct manner. Some parents have shared their strategies for studying with their children during this stressful time. Karen, mother of April and Ailin, 6th graders, explains that she allows them to rest when they get home, then their studie and review the topics that will be on the exam. She gives her daughters breaks after each topic, helping them to remember and consolidate their learning. Similarly, Estefania, mother of Escaleth, a 2nd grader, shares that she uses games to help her daughter remember the lessons more easily. She also gives her daughter periodic breaks and discusses each study topic with her. It is important to mention that not only parents and students are striving during this season, but also our teachers, who share their strategies for improving the performance of their students before and during the exam.   Ms. Yorleni tells us how she starts with a devotional, allowing her students to leave all their burdens in the hands of the Lord. She then gives a thorough review of all the topics that will be covered in the exam. After this, she gives them time to relax and finally conducts review games with questions right before administering the exam. Ms. Keyla advises her students about the excessive use of cell phones before the exam so they can use their study time positively. She provides study guides and discusses with them any questions they might have. In a child’s life, exam time can be very overwhelming, but it is very necessary for their development. This season is an excellent opportunity to put into practice the verse that says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28)   [...] Read more...
Today, we want to share with you the inspiring story of Melanie, an 11-year-old girl studying at Jubilee. Melanie has been with us since she was very young and has proven to be an extraordinary young girl, full of talent and determination. Melanie is a dedicated and enthusiastic student. Despite the adversities, she actively participates in school life. One of things that she really enjoys is music! Melanie started learning the drums, but realized after one year, this wasn’t her passion; she was so excited when Jubilee opened a new instrument, the violin which she currently has started learning!   She and her family have been part of Jubilee’s church for many years. In fact, just recently Melanie and her younger sister Natalie publicly accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior! In addition to her musical abilities, Melanie has a great love for PE class and she loves participating in sports activities and always shows a competitive and team spirit. Her energy and enthusiasm are contagious, motivating her classmates to do their best.   Despite the struggle situation, Melanie continues with a smile on her face and unwavering determination. But she needs our help! Melanie needs one more sponsor to be fully sponsored and in that way have the continued support she needs to thrive and focus on her studies and fulfilling her God-given dreams. We invite you to be part of the transformation in Melanie’s life. Your support can make a significant difference, ensuring her continued education, and allowing her to keep developing her musical talent. Your contribution can transform the lives of Melanie and her family. Together, we can give Melanie the opportunity to grow and develop as a leader, a professional, and a servant of the king of Kings! Join Us! If you want to make a difference in Melanie’s life, please click here. Give Melanie the chance for a bright and promising future! Your sponsorship can help support her tuition and let her know that she is loved and valued!     SPONSOR MELANIE [...] Read more...
Let me introduce you to Alejandra René Hernández, a brave young lady who’s been part of Jubilee since she was only 3 years old. For 11 years now, Jubilee has been like a second family to her, giving her love, support, and a place to belong.  Even though she’s just 14, Alejandra has faced more tough times than most people in a lifetime. Even though her parents were separated since she was very young, she used to live a happy life with her mom and younger sister. However, during her pre-adolescent years, her life changed. All the problems and arguments she had with her mom deteriorated their close relationship. That’s why, when Alejandra was in seventh grade, she left her home in Tegucigalpa  to live with her dad in a faraway village. Her relationship with her mom was very broken and she had no idea what the future held. In 2022, Alejandra’s mom got very sick, a situation that Alejandra didn’t expect, she didn’t even believe that it was really happening. She thought it was a passing illness, but it was more than that; her life was about to take a big turn. Without knowing the true severity of the situation, she returned to her mother with the hope that everything would improve soon. However, her mother’s condition worsened. Alejandra decided to talk to her mother, to forgive each other, and they both hoped to have a life together and a restored relationship. However, Alejandra’s mother passed away and this, by far, has been the hardest time in her life. In the midst of much pain, Alejandra is comforted knowing that her mother, Carmen, sought the Lord, asked for forgiveness, and accepted Him as her Lord and Savior in the last days of her life.   Sometime later, Alejandra decided to return to Tegucigalpa and live with her aunts and grandmother, as her mother would have wanted. In the middle of all the sadness, Jubilee was like a bright light in her life. She returned to our school and is more grateful than ever for being accepted back. Despite all the setbacks of life, Alejandra has a second home here in Jubilee. Alejandra told us with great pain that she is now going through another very difficult experience; her father is in prison. She doesn’t know or understand why, but at this point in time, she is not able to communicate in any way with him. It hurts her a lot, but she remains firm in the Lord, knowing that He is her guide, her comfort, and her strength.   Knowing Alejandra’s full story is a reflection of how difficult life can be, but that Alejandra is a young woman with great drive and resilience. Psalm 27:10 states “Though my father and my mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me.”  This reminds us that the Lord is faithful and remains present, no matter how difficult the circumstances. The Lord is faithful to His children. Alejandra is proof of this, undeniable proof that the Lord is strength and He is our hope! Alejandra is so thankful for the love and help she’s gotten from Jubilee. She knows how much sponsorship can mean to kids who need help, and currently, Alejandra isn’t sponsored yet. If you want to sponsor her, click here. [...] Read more...
In a big world where things can be tough, there’s a little guy named Benjamin. He’s only eight, but he’s got big dreams of being a teacher. His life hasn’t been easy. His mom died when he was just a baby, and his dad isn’t around much. Benjamin lives with his grandpa, who’s doing his best, but times are hard. Benjamin’s grandma is sick, and all the money goes to her medicine. But Benjamin is special. He’s always thinking about others, praying for his family, especially his grandma. Even though he’s facing tough times, he stays positive and thankful.   School isn’t easy for Benjamin either. His dad doesn’t help much, and they don’t have much money. Sometimes, he goes to school without the things he needs, like pencils and notebooks. His backpack is often empty, except for old stuff from his cousin.   But then something amazing happened. His teacher, Ms. Yorleny, noticed Benjamin’s struggle and decided to help. In Jubilee we gave him a little school kit with pencils, colors, and notebooks. Benjamin’s teacher saw a big change. He started doing better in school because he had the right tools. This small act of kindness made a big difference in Benjamin’s life. It showed him that Jesus cared for him and replied to his prayers, it gave him hope for the future.   Now, you have a chance to be part of Benjamin’s story. For little more than 1 dollar each day, you can help change his life and the lives of other kids like him. You can make a real connection by sponsoring Benjamin and even meeting him in person on a mission trip.   Will you be a part of Benjamin’s journey? Will help bless the Kingdom of God here in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, one child at a time?     Sponsor Benjamin   [...] Read more...
Jubilee goes beyond traditional education. Recently, our 10th-grade students, under the guidance of their Spanish teacher Wendy Elvir, hosted a Grammar Fair during The  Dia del Español. This event showcased the fun side of learning Spanish and introduced students to exciting activities that blend education with entertainment. If you’ve ever been curious about Spanish or our approach to learning, keep reading!     One of the highlights of the Grammar Fair was a photoshoot frame of the iconic Don Quijote and his loyal squire, Sancho Panza. Created by the Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes, these characters symbolize courage, imagination, and friendship. They remind us of the importance of pursuing dreams and cherishing friendships.     Fun and Educational Grammar Games Our students engaged in a variety of enjoyable games that put their language skills to the test: Word Twister: A Spanish twist on the classic game, challenging players to place their hands and feet on Spanish words.   Word Roulette: Students spun a roulette wheel to form sentences with the word where the wheel stopped.   Grammar Tic-Tac-Toe: A version of “tic-tac-toe” with Spanish words that students must conjugate correctly.   Snake Game (La Culebrita): A game where students wrote and learned basic Spanish concepts as they moved their “snake” across the board.     Fascinating Facts about Spanish Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world by native speakers. If we consider the standard Spanish dictionary with around 90,000 words, and add idioms, Americanisms, and other regional expressions, we could be talking about approximately 200,000 words or more. though an average speaker uses only a fraction of them daily. Spanish has been influenced by many languages, including Arabic, Greek, and indigenous languages from the Americas. It’s spoken in more than 20 countries, each with its own variations and dialects.     Jubileo’s Grammar Fair was a success, demonstrating that learning Spanish can be fun and enriching. Join us on a mission trip to experience the magic of learning Spanish in a unique and exciting way. We look forward to welcoming you to our vibrant community!     If you’re inspired by what you’ve read and want to experience our unique approach to learning Spanish, we invite you to join us on a mission trip! A mission trip to Jubileo is an opportunity to immerse yourself in our educational and cultural activities. Whether you’re a student, educator, or language enthusiast, our mission trip offers something for everyone.   Join us in July 20-27 2024   Come and discover the joy of learning Spanish with us and see how we turn education into a celebration! Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn, explore, and have fun. [...] Read more...
In the heart of Jubilee’s students, a story of redemption and transformation is being written. Sixth grader, Moises, is a remarkable example of this transformation. Coming from a home marked by difficulties, Moises faces unique challenges because of the advanced age of his parents, who struggle to care for him amidst his overwhelming hyperactivity.   Forced by the violence of local gangs, Moises’ oldest sister (in her 30s) migrated to the United States and her absence has understandably caused deep pain and confusion for Moises. His emotions overflow, manifesting in explosive behavior and language laden with anger. Each day was a battle, and Moises was trapped in a spiral of rage. But amidst the darkness, hope emerged thanks to the loving support of his teacher, Ms. Keyla. Despite the challenges, she never lost faith in Moises. With tireless love and dedication, she tried to guide him on the right path, even in the most difficult moments. However, her efforts seemed to bear no fruit, and hope began to fade.   Children’s Day 2023 arrived (September 10), a day that would change Moises’ life forever. In an act of humility and sincere repentance, Moises went to his teacher and asked for forgiveness from the heart. At that moment, the message of salvation resonated in his soul, and Moises found comfort and forgiveness in the arms of Jesus. The miracle of transformation began to unfold before our eyes. Moses found peace in the presence of God, regularly attending church and practicing breathing exercises to control his anger. With each step taken in faith, his heart healed, and his spirit strengthened.   Today, Moises tells us with emotion how he has learned to channel his anger constructively. He no longer hurts others with his actions, but finds comfort in prayer and the love of God. And although he still faces challenges, he is determined to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and become the best version of himself.   In Luke 15:10, we find the promise that there is great joy in heaven when a sinner repents. Let us continue to pray for Moises, as his journey has only just begun. If you wish to be part of this wonderful process of transformation, we encourage you to consider sponsoring Moises and being part of his story of redemption and hope. Together, we can make a difference in the life of this brave child. [...] Read more...
Meet Bessy, a vibrant 20-year-old alumnus of Jubilee, currently pursuing her second year of Psychology studies at the Honduran National Autonomous University in Tegucigalpa. Despite her young age, Bessy has already left a significant mark on Jubilee’s community. Bessy’s journey with Jubilee began years ago when she was just a young student. She fondly reminisces about her time as part of Jubilee’s first graduating class of 6th graders back in 2016. This was before the school had expanded to include a middle school, and Bessy treasures the memories of those formative years.   Leaving Jubilee after graduation was undoubtedly a challenging transition for Bessy. However, the Lord had a beautiful surprise in store for her as she found herself back within the familiar halls, this time as a part-time Administrative Assistant. The opportunity to return to Jubilee filled Bessy with immense joy, and she describes Jubilee as her second family. But Jubilee isn’t just a workplace for Bessy—it’s a place where she finds deep fulfillment and purpose. Raised in a devout Christian household, Bessy and her family are faithful members of Jubilee’s church. Her commitment to serving God has been evident since childhood, and she actively participated in church activities from a young age.   In Bessy words “Belonging to Jubilee is a great blessing for me, from the very beginning. I believe that when I arrived, it was not by chance but for a purpose of the Lord in my life and my family’s, in this place. Jubilee has helped me grow in faith and as a person in different ways, and I am very grateful” One particular ministry holds a special place in Bessy’s heart—the dance ministry led by Jubilee teacher Ms. Lisbeth Flores. Through dance, Bessy not only expresses her creativity but also brings joy and inspiration to the community. Her passion for serving others shines brightly through her involvement in this ministry.   Bessy’s faith journey is beautifully encapsulated by Psalm 37:4, which reads, “Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” For Bessy, working at Jubilee isn’t just a job—it’s a calling. It’s a way for her to combine her professional skills with her passion for ministry, drawing closer to God through service. As Bessy continues her studies and her work at Jubilee, she remains grateful for the opportunity to be part of a community that has shaped her into the person she is today. Her story serves as a testament to the transformative power of faith, service, and belonging. [...] Read more...
  A Look into Our Recreation Day at Jubilee School Last Friday, Jubilee’s School was alive with energy and excitement as we hosted a fun day of sports and entertainment for our students. From soccer games to movie screenings, it was a day filled with laughter and learning for all. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of recreation and sports in school education, as well as the positive impact it has on our students.     Importance of Recreation and Sports in Education: Numerous studies support the idea that recreation plays a vital role in education by providing opportunities for the physical, mental, and emotional development of students. Here are some ways in which recreation benefits the educational process: Physical Development: Participation in recreational activities such as sports, outdoor games, and physical exercises promotes students’ physical health and well-being. It helps develop motor skills, coordination, and endurance, contributing to an active and healthy lifestyle Our PE teacher, Mr. Bermudez, says “Sports are a fundamental tool in education, as it promotes values and physical activity in young people.“     Mental Development: Recreation offers opportunities for exploration, experimentation, and hands-on learning. Through playful and creative activities, students can develop cognitive skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making. Our Principal, Mrs. Osorio, mentioned that “I like to take these initiatives with our children, because I consider that when children run, de-stress, release a lot of energy, that we have healthy children, also with healthy minds” Recreation can also stimulate imagination and creativity, fostering an environment conducive to learning.   Emotional Development: Engaging in recreational activities can help students manage stress, improve mood, and promote a positive outlook on life. Recreation provides opportunities for socialization, building relationships, and developing social skills, which contribute to self-esteem, confidence, and the ability to work as a team.       In summary, recreation plays a fundamental role in education by promoting the holistic development of students. By providing opportunities for physical, mental, and emotional growth, recreation contributes to the formation of balanced, healthy, and well-adjusted individuals who are prepared to face the challenges of the world that we live in.   Sports and Christ: Athletes for Christ: One of the most inspiring aspects of our activity was the focus on teaching Christian values through sports. Like prominent figures in Central America, such as Keylor Navas The Christian’s PSG goalkeeper​, our students learn to follow God and honor Him through their athletics. Becoming “Athletes for Christ” not only teaches them athletic skills, but also instills values of integrity, teamwork, and resilience.   [...] Read more...
In Jubilee, a community rooted in the faith and love of Christ, stories of hope flourish even in the darkest moments. In this blog, I want to share two inspiring testimonies of two young students from our school who have found comfort and strength in the light of faith despite adversity. They are both part of the PreK program.   Finding Love in God’s Arms. Yesterday we visited Sofia Lagos in her classroom. Sofia is a sweet girl of just 4 years old. She lives with her mother, who works tirelessly to support the family. She is a single mom and she can only spend a couple of hours a day with her daughter, which leaves a very big gap in Sofia, who needs a consistent maternal figure. Mornings are often difficult for Sofia, as her mother’s absence plunges her into a small emotional crisis. But, as Philippians 4:6-7 teaches us, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” It is for this reason that every day we have devotionals in the classrooms, these moments of intimacy with God help Sofia greatly, as they allow her to experience Jesus’ inexhaustible love. Sofia’s teacher is Ms. Norma, who tells us, “With a calm heart after prayer, Sofia finds the strength to enjoy the day.” As time goes by, her attitude begins to change. Although at the beginning of the year she cried a lot, God’s strength has transformed her attitude. After school is done, Sofia spends the rest of the day with some church sisters who have become a network of female support for her. Together, they enjoy moments of play and laughter, and the sisters take care of her and love her as if she were their own daughter.” Jesus heals the wounds of all those who seek His presence; we must continue to pray for Sofia and her family.       Encounter of Hope in the Family Johan Jacob, another brave student of Jubilee, has lived a story of struggle from an early age. Three years ago, he had to flee with his mother due to a threat of danger. But, as Psalm 34:17 reminds us, “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles.” Johan was rescued by his grandmother (who works at Jubilee as a teacher assistant in 1st grade). She became a pillar of support for them. Although, still today, his mother is still missing, Johan finds comfort in the love and care of his family. His grandmother tells us with tears in her eyes how hard this situation is, in her words, “As his grandmother, I always tried to be there for them, even though our video calls never revealed the true situation they were in. It was only when someone alerted me that they were asking for money at a traffic light that I understood the gravity of the situation. I ran to rescue them, and since then, Johan and his brother have been under my care. I fondly remember one occasion when Johan said to his uncle: ‘You are my hero’, referring to the support and care he received during those difficult days.”   Remember! the kingdom of heaven belongs to Children These stories, dear brothers and sisters of Jubilee, are living testimonies of the grace and mercy of our Lord. Through prayer, the support of the community, and the love of the family, Sofia and Johan find hope and comfort in the midst of adversity. May their testimonies inspire us to be lights of hope and love, bringing the light of Christ to those facing difficulties in their own lives. In Matthew 28:19-20 we find, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” At Jubilee, our way of fulfilling this mandate is by reaching the lives of these children.  If you want to help with this work, born in the heart of God, click here.     [...] Read more...
Holy Week in Honduras is a time of deep religious and cultural tradition, but unfortunately, in many cases, it has been overshadowed by empty religiosity. While for some it remains a time of spiritual reflection and devotion, for others it has become an excuse for vacationing and enjoying the beach, completely forgetting the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. In this blog, we will explore this phenomenon and reflect on the importance of reclaiming the true meaning of Holy Week. It is sad to observe how in many Honduran communities, Holy Week has become a superficial celebration, devoid of its true significance. Beyond this, it becomes an empty religious celebration in Honduras where activities such as making sawdust carpets decorated with religious motifs are celebrated, as well as participation in masses and special services, with religious images carried on the shoulders of devotees, who forget that Jesus is not found in the images, but in a relationship of close and deep prayer. Amidst the festivities and vacations, it is easy to forget the true sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Holy Week should be a time to remember and reflect on Christ’s suffering and the meaning of His death and resurrection for our lives. However, many people prefer to ignore this spiritual aspect and immerse themselves in mundane activities, losing sight of the true reason for celebrating this time. Holy Week in Honduras faces the challenge of empty religiosity, where the true spiritual significance is lost among distractions and worldly festivities. Let us remember what the scriptures tell us: “So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.” – Romans 12:5. Holy Week and Easter remind us of our unity as the body of Christ. They invite us to seek communion with our brothers and sisters in faith, sharing the love and grace we have received through Jesus Christ. In this sacred season, may each of us be renewed in our understanding of Jesus’ sacrifice and the meaning of His resurrection. May our lives reflect the truth and beauty of the gospel, bringing the light and hope of Christ to a needy world. May Holy Week and Easter inspire us to live in love, grace, and mutual service, glorifying God in all that we do.   You can watch all the videos we did for this season:   [...] Read more...
Here in Honduras, Father’s Day is celebrated each year on March 19th. As a school and church we celebrate our Heavenly Father’s  deep love for us through the greatest example of the giving of His Son Jesus to us. We also celebrate our earthly dads with a special program and a big party at school!       Imagine this scene: our little students, full of excitement and nerves, getting ready to show their love for their dads. Their eyes sparkled with joy when they see their dads in the crowd, a presence that radiated security and affection, just like God’s love.     But amidst the celebration, we couldn’t forget those whose dads weren’t physically there. Their hearts longed for the hug and comfort only a dad can give. It was touching to see them find support from their friends’ dads, reminding us that family in Christ goes beyond blood ties.     We walked through the classrooms, witnessing every tender hug and display of love between dads and kids. Each gesture was a sweet melody in our hearts, reminding us of the importance of nurturing family bonds with care.     Pastor David guided us with wisdom, basing his teachings on sacred words from Proverbs 20:6-7, diving into the true essence of fatherhood: an unbreakable love that goes beyond surface definitions.   Two stories touched us deeply. One was the tale of the tree and the child, shared at the start of the celebration. This heartwarming story tells of the lifelong bond between a tree and a child. The tree, symbolizing a father figure, always supported the child through every stage of life, sacrificing its branches to provide sustenance and protection. It reminded us of the sacrificial love of a caring father, whose greatest achievement is to care for and support his children as they grow. Another story  that left a lasting impression was the tale dramatized by our teachers, showing redemption and love between a father and his daughter. In a town hosting a “Father Fair”, a girl searched desperately for a perfect father but couldn’t find one. Her own father, overwhelmed by adult pressures, couldn’t spend enough time with her or have the energy to connect with her in a meaningful way. However, seeing his daughter’s pain, he decided to change. He approached her and expressed his love and sincere desire to be a better father. Wise advice led him to seek guidance from the Bible, leading to a miraculous transformation in the family, strengthening their bonds and rediscovering the joy of renewed bonds.   These stories teach us that true fatherhood goes beyond blood ties and is rooted in love and sacrifice. They remind us that Christ is the ultimate example of paternal love, and through Him, we find the strength and wisdom to be loving and compassionate fathers.   On this special day, we remember the vital role of a father as protector and guide of his family. His presence is a beacon of unconditional love and security. There’s no greater comfort than feeling the embrace and presence of our father. And if your kids don’t feel that way, I encourage you to follow the advice from these stories: seek Christ, follow the guidance of the Bible, and be the father that God approves of. May your children call you blessed for your integrity and unwavering love. [...] Read more...
  In the vibrant setting of Jubilee, every new student brings a story of hope and great potential. This time, we have the pleasure of delving into the heartwarming story of Alejandra Gabriela Velázquez Rivera. Alejandra is a first-time student at Jubilee Centers International, and her presence here marks her first year in this Christian community. In a revealing interview, Alejandra shared her unique and profound experience in Jubilee’s weekly devotionals. When asked how she felt about being in Jubilee, Alejandra expressed “I feel very good and grateful with God because he has fulfilled a miracle of being in a Christian school and the truth is that I have never felt so happy in my life” She has a deep gratitude to God for this unique opportunity. One of the most noticeable differences Alejandra has experienced between Jubilee and her previous school are the devotional times. Here, daily devotionals are an integral part of student life, where children enjoy singing praise and worship songs, receiving messages of salvation, and participating in activities that encourage reading the Bible and prayer. During devotionals, Alejandra feels the presence of the Lord. She describes how praise and worship fill her with joy, and how she feels the Lord is always present, holding her hands and guiding her every step of the way. Her enthusiasm for music leads her to express her desire to join Jubilee’s music program. For Alejandra, praising the Lord is a privilege and a source of great happiness. At the end of the interview, Alejandra takes the opportunity to thank the friends in the United States who have visited Jubilee. She offers words of encouragement, reminding them that the Lord will always be with them and wishing them a blessed year. Her inspiring testimony invites us to reflect on our own relationship with God and to find joy in moments of praise and worship. Every soul has a story to tell, and Alejandra’s story show us the God’s kindness manifested in the lives of those who love Him with all their hearts. [...] Read more...
Imagine a week that transforms your life forever, where every moment is an opportunity to serve, learn, and grow in love. This is exactly what Marla, Sandy, Kathy, Gail, Douglas, and Amy experienced during their time in a mission team at the Jubilee Centers Internacional. Would you like to live a similar experience? Keep reading and discover how this week became an incredible life-changing experience!   From the moment they arrived, these brave missionaries immersed themselves in activities aimed at making a difference in the lives of the children of Jubilee. They played, taught, and shared God’s love, leaving an indelible mark on every young heart. For Marla, Sandy, Kathy, Gail, Douglas, and Amy, every shared smile and hug was a blessing.   “Jubilee is a school on a Hill, and my thought all year long was you are a light on that hill,” said Marla. “You shine so brightly that those of us who have been here always remember that light, and that is Jesus through you.” Learn more about her experience of coming for the second time.   “It’s touching to see people who have so little, yet are so giving with what they have,” said Sandy. “I think we in the United States, especially, can learn a lot from the people here.” Discover more about her wonderful journey.   Kathy shared, “We do projects, crafts, and then we talk to the kids about Jesus and how deeply Jesus loves them. And looking at their faces and seeing how closely they are listening, there are no words to describe it.” Watch her complete experience.   One of the most significant parts of this experience was the opportunity to reunite with children they had known since childhood and see how they had grown and thrived. Additionally, they had the privilege of exploring the rich Honduran culture, trying lots of Honduran food, enjoying traditional folk dances, and participating in moments of praise and worship to God during devotionals and worship services.   But the week was not only about activities with the children. They also had the opportunity to share fun moments and relaxation with the teachers and the Jubilee team, participating in activities such as team building games and experiences. They were impressed by the kindness and spirit of service of the Honduran people, despite the difficulties they live. Most importantly, all these moments were with the purpose of glorifying Christ. Every act of love and every word of encouragement were a tangible expression of God’s love for those they served.   At the end of the week, Marla, Sandy, Kathy, Gail, Douglas, and Amy left filled with the Holy Spirit, with hearts overflowing with gratitude and joy. As they returned home, they carried with them precious memories and a fervent desire to come back very soon. If God is calling to serve in Jubilee, join us in July 20 – 27 Mission Trip and discover how you can make a difference in the lives of others while glorifying Christ in everything you do. You won’t regret living a week as a missionary in Jubilee!   [...] Read more...
  The Importance of Language Exchange for Children At Jubilee Centers International, we believe in fostering connections across borders and cultures, and our recent language exchange activity exemplifies this commitment. In this exchange, sixth-grade students from Jubilee and the Grand Rapids Christian School share letters with each other, eagerly awaiting the chance to connect with the family of Christ across the globe. For these children, sharing their language and way of life is not only an exciting experience but also a valuable opportunity for personal growth. As they eagerly await each exchange, they  anticipate the chance to learn more about their counterparts’ lives and cultures. This mutual exchange of letters not only helps them improve their language skills but also fosters empathy, understanding, and appreciation for different ways of life. In the Bible, Proverbs 27:17 reminds us, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Through these exchanges, children learn the value of friendship and collaboration, as they support and encourage each other across continents. Additionally, Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 emphasizes the importance of companionship, stating, “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” We’ve received heartwarming testimonials from children who participated in these exchanges:   Amy Flores says “I loved it because I enjoy getting to know the United States and learning more about it.” This sentiment reflects the curiosity and excitement children feel when learning about different countries and cultures. By engaging in language exchange activities, they expand their horizons and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them.   Eleazar Degrandez “I enjoyed it because we can share languages, and I can learn English better.” Language exchange activities provide a unique opportunity for children to practice and improve their language skills in a fun and interactive way. By communicating with peers from different backgrounds, they gain confidence and fluency in a second language. Josadac Hernandez says “I enjoyed it because I can share Bible verses with them.” Building friendships based on shared faith is a beautiful aspect of these language exchanges. By sharing Bible verses and spiritual insights, children strengthen their bond as brothers and sisters in Christ, even across geographical distances.   These testimonials highlight the profound impact of language exchange activities on children’s lives. Through these exchanges, children not only learn about new languages and cultures, but also develop lifelong friendships and deepen their faith. To learn more about Jubilee and hear from the children themselves, we invite you to watch the interviews on our Facebook video. Additionally, please visit our website to stay updated on future activity and ways be involve. Together, let’s continue fostering understanding, friendship, and love across borders.   [...] Read more...