Building Dreams with God’s Help: Expansion of Jubilee’s Facilities Become a Reality

A dream is something we hope and wish for. So often, we believe that dreams cannot come true, but that is where our faith is activated. We recall Hebrews 11:1 which states, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” (NIV) When we rely on our faith, we begin to experience how God works on behalf of his children.
Some time ago, the Lord placed it on the hearts of our Co-Founder and Directors, David and Emily Romero to expand Jubilee to include a Middle School, and to also carry out the expansion of the facilities. Since then, the prayers have not stopped, and today we can say that God’s support and provision in this project has been constant.
“We are very grateful to the Lord; He has always been so faithful to Jubilee. We had to wait for what felt like a long time to open the Middle School, but despite it feeling like a long wait, we know that the Lord’s timing is perfect. We already felt that He was indicating to us that it was time to start, not only the Middle School, but also construction to expand our space and abilities for ministry. Having more space means that we can accept more students and provide more variety of important programing, like after-school athletics, for example.” Emily Romero, Co-Director of JCI.
Something that represented a great challenge at the beginning of construction was to see that the property was very difficult to say the least. It consisted of a steep drop off which meant it would cost more to build on it, take more time, and be more challenging for the workers. However, even with these challenges, God continued to surprise us and bless us.
Saul Romero, pastor, and Jubilee’s Construction manager shares that, “God’s faithfulness has remained very evident throughout this project. It seemed impossible to accomplish the construction due to the structure of the land, but God continued to give us wisdom and guidance, and now we are seeing the results. Undoubtedly, it has been the hand of the Lord that has moved in this project, and it has been an awesome experience for me to be a part of all of this. I am so thankful to God for allowing me to use my knowledge of construction in order to help in this project that is all for His Glory. My wife and I have always prayed faithfully for Jubilee because our hearts are fully invested in this very special ministry.”
Even in the midst of the health crisis from COVID-19, the Lord provided in a wonderful and supernatural way last year. He is the one who multiplied the needed resources and provided the protection and security over all who are part of this project. Families have been blessed by having steady work. Our 15 construction workers are brave and grateful men. They said “Yes” at the start of the construction project and they, too, wanted to express their gratitude:
“Together with my dad, we worked on the original Jubilee school building (in 2014 & 2015) a long time ago, and now, again, we are very grateful to God for giving us the blessing of work. Despite the situation in the country, we are not lacking anything thanks to this nob. I have enjoyed it a lot, and I am proud to see the work almost finished. I also thank Pastor Saul because he has taught us a lot; we are blessed!” Oscar Salgado, Construction worker.
With a huge smile on his face, Alfonso Salgado, Oscar’s father reports that, despite having around 25 years of experience in construction, he especially enjoys every job he has done at Jubilee. He says that it is a huge blessing for him and his family. “When they called me to ask me to work, my joy was enormous because I didn’t have a job at that time. The Lord knows our needs and is faithful to provide for them. I am very grateful to God and to the pastors for providing this employment opportunity to me.”
One of Jubilee’s greatest hopes is to provide the best in everything for our students, parents, church members and all the personnel who work here. This is why the new construction includes new administrative and pastoral offices, a meeting room, classrooms, a cafeteria, a soccer field, and a chapel, all of which are designed to give honor and glory to God.