We are very thankful and excited to have started our new 2019 school year on Feb 6th, making this our 26th day of school already! As many of you may recall, the Honduran school year extends from February to November.
We have many very full classrooms this year with a total of 240 students, in PreK thru 6th grades. The hallways, classrooms, bathrooms, cafeteria, and outdoor space have become alive again, filled with the love, laughter, and noise of busy children! We also have 32 students in our Middle School Support Program. These 32 students are some of our 6th grade graduates from 2016, 2017, 2018.

10th Anniversary Year!
This year we are celebrating our 10th school year! In February of 2010, Jubilee began its first year with two sections of PreK and two sections of Kindergarten, 85 total students in two different loaned classrooms within La Era. We have watched God work in powerful and surprising ways, growing and richly blessing Jubilee’s ministry and its expanse of reach over the past decade! We remain convicted and challenged in our call and vision to grow and invest in the students and families of this community even more now than we first started! Throughout this year, we look forward to sharing with you, more stories of Jubilee’s history and testimonies from students and staff testimonies as we look back and celebrate God’s Faithfulness!
If you haven’t already, would you prayerfully consider the opportunity to come serve with us at Jubilee on a week-long Mission Trip this July 6th – 13th?
The team has already begun to plan and prepare and there is still room for a few more to join! Both Jubilee’s students and the Mission team members always receive abundant blessings because of the time spent together reciprocally serving and being served.
The exact details of how the team will serve is customized based on the gifts the trip participants bring to the table. However, you can anticipate plenty of time to interact with our preschool through sixth grade students both in the classrooms and in the schoolyard, to participate in our after school programs, and to attend and contribute to our church services. Some activities we are already preparing are an outdoor field trip, English conversation groups, and arts and crafts. Time will also be set aside for sightseeing, sampling local cuisine, and unwinding at the end of each day.
The mission trip application deadline has been extended to April 30th. If you are interested or would like more information please contact Hannah Breuker at hbreuker@jubileehn.org

New Class Model in 4th – 6th grades
This year we created a subject specialization model for our 4th – 6th graders that works specifically for our student population. In the past, our 4th – 6th graders received all the basic subjects (Math, Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science) from the same classroom teacher. However, this year, students receive classes in each subject matter from a different teacher dedicated to teaching that subject. We believe that this will better help prepare each individual student for Middle School while helping to prepare Jubilee’s entire school for the upcoming Middle School growth, as well as allow our teachers to specialize in one subject area.
Sharing The Living Word
Each year we look forward to giving a brand new Adventure Bible to each of our third graders. Last week we presented the Bibles to our 2019 3rd grade class. Students use their Bibles in Bible class, devotions, for memorization, and to bring home. And of course our 4th – 6th graders continue to use the Bibles they received in back in 3rd grade for all of the above too. Pray with us that the Word of God would be planted deeply in our student’s hearts and minds and bear much fruit.
We are excited and ready to see what The Lord will do in and among us this year! We ask that you would continue or start afresh praying for us. More than anything we ask you to pray for growth, power, and protection in the Spirit for Jubilee’s students, staff, families, the greater community, and for our personal family as well. We are strengthened, empowered and are encouraged by what the Lord does through your prayers. Thank you so much for investing your prayer time in us!