Feb '20

First Week Of School!
Feb '20

This week marked the beginning of a new school year! Three hundred students streamed in through the gates on Tuesday morning for the first time in 2020, nervous, excited, and happy to be back! This was an especially exciting morning as we welcomed over fifty 7th, 8th, & 9th grade students to our brand new middle school! With the Lord’s mighty hand, through the support of many of you, Jubilee’s Middle School Miracle has come to fruition! We LOVE having our middle school students with us! What a gift!
This year our theme is “Love one another as I have loved you.” We desire and pray to continue to create a culture where students are loved and nurtured by staff as well as encouraged to learn how to love one another in all the many forms love can take on flesh and live among us. Please pray throughout this year that the Lord’s Kingdom culture of love would permeate our hearts, our actions, and be tangibly felt in the entire school atmosphere.