My name is Nazaret Danae Elvir Quezada, I am 9 years old, and I am in fifth grade at Jubilee. What I love the most is reading my Bible and playing with my little brother and sister. My little brother, Victor is 6 years old, he is in second grade here at Jubilee. My youngest sister, Genesis, is 1 year old. We live in La Era with my mom and dad. My mom helps with traffic and helps people across the street. My dad works in construction and is working on the new U.S. embassy.
One of the things I enjoy the most is reading the Bible. My favorite book is Genesis because it talks about how God created everything. This is one of the reasons that Bible class is my favorite class. I can hear from God each time I read my Bible. Last year, the Mission Team gave Bibles to my class. It’s a beautiful Bible, I have never owned one of my own and it made me very happy.
I have big dreams of being a doctor and a pastry chef. My mom has already taught me how to bake cakes. We attend the AGAPE church, where there are many children, and we can learn a lot in Sunday school. I would like to continue serving in the church in dance. I really enjoy dancing to the Lord, adoring him, and singing to Him.

I love attending a Christian school like Jubilee. We get to hear and learn about God, plus the teachers care about us and we have pastors, David & Emily. It is also a very joyful place to learn.

During the pandemic, my parents didn’t have enough to afford us or the school tuition. So, they decided to take us out of school and move to Spain to live. My uncle lives in Spain and told my dad and mom that he was going to help us with the passage. That he would purchase the tickets that he was going to pay for the whole family to go to Spain. When we arrived at the airport the woman from the airline told us that the reservations for Madrid were not enough. Then we found out that my uncle was now in another city in Spain. My mom and dad immediately called my uncle, but he was no longer answering the phone. After several hours, he answered the call and told us that He could no longer help us, his money was gone. We had to return home where we no longer had anything, not even a bed to sleep in. We had sold everything to be able to have the money to pay my uncle back for the loan for the plane tickets.
It was a very difficult time for our family, we cried a lot. My grandmother had lent us a couple of mattresses, but we prayed to the Lord to bring us food and things for the house. The school helped me and my brother with tuition and the Lord helped us recover some of the things needed for our home. I remembered what we had learned at school and tried to encourage my family that we should pray and then trust God and try to be happy because God would provide for us, and He did.

God has always helped us, even when we didn’t have food, I feel happy because God will always be by our side and will take care of us. I know it. This year I want to seek the Lord more and more and study His word. If there is someone going through the same situation that we were in, I would tell them to continue to move forward and not be afraid because God will help you, if you follow the path of the Lord.