Jun '23

Jun '23

Our students surprised us with their creativity, innovation, and scientific research. In recent days we held our annual Science Fair in which each grade level competed with their projects. Winners will go on to represent Jubilee at the district-level Science Fair along with other schools in the area.

Ms. Wendy Sauceda, our Middle/High School Science teacher, tells us that the primary objective of the Science Fair is to encourage and support all of the students in their scientific curiosity. The goal is to create a space for them to learn and feel safe to freely discuss their research projects with classmates and the school community, learning from each other and exchanging their experiences and ideas.

Keysi Salgado, and her group of ninth graders, winners of the first round, named their experiment, “Vibrant Liquid.” They shared with us: “It was a nice experience since it only happens once a year, and the fact that we got to go to theo the second round was very exciting. I also learned a lot and had fun preparing with my team. I hope to have the opportunity to participate in the Science Fair again next year.”

Lizzy Flore, 7th Grade, was another one of the participants, and she tells us: “The Science Fair was a very good experience. We learned a lot and felt we developed new skills and abilities, although my experiment was not perfect, I felt excited that I completed it. I was quite nervous when I saw several experiments that surpassed the one I created. But in the end, I did it!!”

Mrs. Cindy, academic administrator, was one of the qualifying judges at the Science Fair and she shared her experience with us: “It was awesome to see our students’ love and curiosity for science grow through their science experiments. Their effort and dedication were seen in each of the projects. I was amazed to see some of our shy and quiet students defending their projects, as their knowledge, talents, and abilities came to light.” We are very happy and proud of our students who will represent us in the Science Fair at the District level, we pray that they are also good representatives of Christ our Lord, the Creator of all wisdom and knowledge.