Posted on Sep 9, 2022 in General | 0
It doesn’t take much time observing Ms. Gaby Arévalo at work and sitting down and talking with her to grasp her great passion in serving God through serving with Jubilee! She started working with us at the tender age of 21 as a pre-school teacher and then as an assistant teacher in our first grade class. Over the last 10 years, we have seen her wear many other hats such as physical education teacher, Bible teacher, drama and creative arts teacher, and librarian. In each role, she has served with dedication and passion, and we have observed her growing in her faith as she serves as an example to the students and their families. Her current roles are as librarian, Bible teacher, and drama teacher for our end of the year presentation. She shares, “Each year I have learned and become more equipped to better serve God. This year I especially feel that God is giving me opportunities to serve him as I work with the students in all grades. It is a blessing to be an example to them and inspire them to serve God with all their hearts. I love having the opportunity to pray with them, give them godly advice, to be with them to celebrate their achievements, and to encourage them during difficult times.”

Over the past couple years, Ms. Gaby has also been attending Jubilee’s church where she leads a Sunday School class, helps in the youth group leadership team, and enjoys pouring into not only the youth, but the adults in the church. Ms. Gaby truly is an example of our theme verse this year, “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12), as she lets her love and light shine out for all to see!
Ms. Gaby prays that she will be able to continue to serve with Jubilee and be an ambassador for Christ through her work. Her dream for the future of Jubilee is to have a creative arts and theater program much like our music program, where the students can learn and be involved in all the aspects of putting on a theatrical production. She also prays that Jubilee’s students will continue to grow in their faith, become prayer warriors, and become avid readers of God’s Word. We are so very grateful for all of Ms. Gaby’s many God-given gifts and talents and for her dedication to using them to bring Him glory!