The Word of God in the Hands of Every Student

Since Jubilee began, one of our greatest goals as a ministry is to teach and train our students up in the Word of God. Our vision is to form a community of students who are passionate about God and His Word by reading it, studying it, and putting it into practice. As a school, one of our theme verses has always been, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”(Proverbs 22:6).
Through special donations, every year we have been able to give a new Adventure Bible (La Biblia Aventura) to each one of our 3rd graders. This year, mission team members brought the Bibles in their suitcases and they also had the opportunity to give them to the students and pray over them while we shared this special gift.
When we gave out the Bibles, it was an amazing time where the presence of God filled our hearts, the children listened attentively to the words of encouragement and the prayers that the mission team members dedicated to them. Here are some phrases they shared with our students. “By reading your bible you will feed yourself and grow in God, besides you will know Jesus¨. ¨Now the truth is in your hands, keep it close to your heart¨. “When you open your bible at home, it will be like a light that illuminates your face, but also the whole room, and while you read it, it will bring salvation to your home¨. “This is your Bible, take care of it, read it, study it and you will be wise¨ (This last phrase is one that is written by Pastor David’s grandfather in the Bible he gave to David the day of his baptism).
The fact that our children have a Bible in their classroom is an immense joy and they will be able to read it every day at any time. Because they can take it home and share it with their family we pray that through this process the light of Christ shines and his truth touches hearts for salvation and restoration.
Here are some testimonials of our students, after waiting for a long time to have their Bible, this is what they said:
Having a Bible is very important. It is a privilege to have one, the best gift, the best book in the world. At night I read it with my parents and we discuss what we read. It is a beautiful time.
Having my Bible is very important and very special to me because I can learn many stories that will help me grow spiritually OSCAR 5TH GRADE
I feel happy because now I have my own Bible so I can read it and learn a lot from it.
It was important because we have to learn from the Word. It was special for me because when I received my Bible I felt something very powerful in my heart, and I felt that the Holy Spirit gave me that sword (Bible)
A mom of one of our 5th graders wrote in her social media account:
We are very grateful for the great treasure that Jubilee has placed in the hands of my little daughter. It will be a great blessing for her life.
I am so happy that this year the boys and girls have their Bible and that reading together excites us. I pray with all my heart that they are passionate about it. Starting to read is a great challenge, but stopping is not an option.
Miss Gaby Arévalo (Bible teacher):