Starting 2020 with Retreat and Teacher’s Workshops

In January we hired middle school math, science, social studies, Spanish, and health and nutrition teachers, all of whom are licensed in Honduras to teach middle and high school students. In January, teachers and support staff were busy decorating classrooms, planning for the year, and enrolling and evaluating students. During the last week of January, we welcomed Kathy DeJong, The Potter’s House’s Reading Specialist, to lead teacher workshops. Judy Plaggemars, a supporter and friend hailing from the Mission’s Committee of Graafschap CRC, also came to support and bless staff for the teacher workshops. We were thankful for the gift of a number of other friends and visitors who came to visit and bless during the month of January.
For the third time, we were able to do an overnight teacher retreat at Honduras’ beautiful Lake Yajoa. Teachers delighted in some recreational and spiritual time to bond together in the glories of creation. We stayed in a coffee and cocoa plantation Eco Park and even took a bird watching boat tour in one of the most active birding hotspots in all of Central America. We are very thankful for these deep bonding experiences with the Lord and with each other!